In Love

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K'aori's POV.

"Lucas James the hell are you doing here?" I whispered to myself, giggling slightly as I watched him sleep. He was so peaceful and had made himself so comfortable in my bed. However, rather than being angry, all I could do was smile like an idiot.

He must've been looking for me all day. He still had his work clothes on and his bags. But how did he even get here.

When the realization him me, my heart stopped.

Taking one last glance at him, I headed into my bathroom to run a shower and relax myself. I wondered if he was a deep sleeper. Then, my mind wandered to if I'd have to fire him if we were to engage in an intimate relationship, but as usual, I shook my head to dismiss the thought.

When I got back into the room, Lucas was still fast asleep. He must've been exhausted. Hell, I was too.

Without even putting much thought into it, I slid into bed next to him doing my best not to stir him.

"I think I like you best when you're asleep. You aren't talking and you aren't asking me a billion questions." I smiled running my fingers through his soft dark hair.

"I think...I think I'm in love with you too Lucas James. But, it's a lot more complicated than that. I'm a lot more complicated than that. I swear to you with all of my soul I wish this were easy. I do. But, it's not."

"So are you saying you want to be with me, but you can't?"

I jumped. His response absolutely caught me off guard. When the hell did he even wake up?

"You...I thought you were asleep!"

"I was, then I heard your beautiful, soothing voice and felt your delicate fingers in my hair and couldn't resist the temptation of looking at you." His forest green eyes seemed almost as if they were glowing while he stared up at me.

"Why did you come all the way here?" It wasn't intentional but, my voice remained soft. I remained soft.

"Well, Ms Joyner, I missed you and you had been gone for so long without telling me anything."

"I didn't know I had to tell you when I leave town."

"Well, you do. I almost filed a missing persons report woman."

I smiled holding in a giggle.

"You're so dramatic.."

"I'm not. Kai, I just really missed you. It hurts me to not see you for so long, or...or even hear your voice. You could've even called me and it wouldn't brought so much relief to me. I love you so much. I don't think I've ever loved someone so much."

"Is that so?" I could feel my cheeks turning red as my heart began to pound from his words.

"And to find out that you love me too? I almost wanna cry..."

"Luke, stop."

He laughed, moving his arms to wrap around my body and placed his lips against my forehead.

"Kaori Joyner, you make me so happy. Please don't leave me again."

"I'm sorry." I had never felt compelled to say sorry about leaving and not telling anyone. I never felt like I had to. "Lucas?"


"I do want to be with you one day...but-"

"Shh, I know."

That night, I'd slept more peacefully than In a very long while. The way the warmth of his body radiated off of him and onto mine, his smell, though I knew he hadn't taken a shower since he's probably gotten here, was magical. I felt so safe. I never felt unsafe of course. But, I'd never felt this either.

I had never loved a man in my life. Even my own father was essentially a stranger to me because of his constant traveling because of his profession. I watched my mom cry over and over again because of him and I promised myself I would never be that weak. So weak that I let a man put tears on my face. All my life, men have been like jewelery, something I liked but, could live without. Now, there was Lucas, he wasn't like a material object, he didn't want to use me or make me cry, hell, he didn't even seem to care that I'm filthy rich and could make him rich beyond his wildest imagination. The only thing he saw was me. The only thing he wanted was me, whether it was in a small, one bedroom apartment, a huge mansion, even a dirty house with a dead man in it. It was me he wanted.

I do love him...

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