Dinner date (continued)

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Lucas Pov.

How had this feeling come over me again? All she had been doing was sitting there, sitting there, talking to me and me just...

I stared at her shocked, chocolate eyes feeling my temperature rise as her cheeks began to fluster. Something about the heat from her body, the sparkle in her eye, the curve of her top lip, made my blood boil. I wanted her here and now.

"L...Lucas.." She stuttered placing her hands on my shoulders and turning her face from mine.

"Ms. Joyner," I whispered placing my hand on her chin and turning her to face me once again, "I am so damn attracted to you."

I felt her body tremble against mine as she struggled to keep her composure.

"And, why are you telling me this?" She was trying desperately to sound confident but I could hear her voice shake.

"I'm not sure," I chuckled, "I guess I just feel like you should know."

"Well it doesn't matter," she stood up now moving as far away from me as she could while staying seated at the bar.

"You're right." I headed back into the kitchen to began boiling the noodles and seasoning the chicken up. "Why do you act like you feel nothing for me?"

"What the hell are you talking about? You sound stupid."

"Right," I laughed uncontrollably. "So earlier today was a just a...a misunderstanding?"

I watched as her face registered what I was talking about. I watched her eyes widen in recognition.

"Don't talk about that!" She snapped inhaling sharply.

"Whats the issue?" I grinned making her even more upset.

"That did not happen! It was a heat of the moment situation..you said things!"

"I was being honest though," I placed the chicken in the pot turning it to medium heat as to make sure it would cook all the way through. "I wish you didn't deny me the way you do."

"Ugh! Stop talking!"

I laughed again biting my lip to keep from making more comments that would ultimately upset her.

About an hour and a half later, all of the food was prepared and we both sat on a blanket that I laid out on the carpet to eat on. I had prepared a chicken alfredo with extra sauce and a cedar salad to go with.

"Wow! This is actually good!"

"Uh, yeah?" I raised a brow watching as she took another bite. "I told you I could cook."

"Yeah but, I didn't think you were dead serious."

"Wow," I chuckled taking a bite of my own food quite pleased by the perfection of the seasoning.

About thirty minutes later, we had both finished and we're locked in a serious game of UNO. The card that was placed was a red 7 and all I had to work with were 2 greens 1 color card and a red reverse which wouldn't really benefit me.

"Make your move," she taunted me with her eyes.

"Let me think."

"The only people who think for so long about this game are losers." she raised a brow letting a grin form on her lips.

I laughed, putting down the red reverse then playing the color card leaving me with two cards.

"Green," I smirked.

"Wow," her eyes widened at my play. She then gazed back down at her own four cards. "Okay." she placed down a green skip card then put down a red skip card then placed a draw four-color card letting the sweet smile of inevitable victory spread across her face. "The color is blue and uno."

I sighed, putting down my hand and forfeiting the game entirely.

"Did you just give up?"

"Yes," I laughed.

"So you're the kind that doesn't keep fighting?"

"In a game of Uno, yes."

"Lame." she laughed, smiling at our mess of cards on the floor.

"It's getting late." she stood, grabbing her purse and shoes.

"Oh?" I looked at the time. It's was nearly 9. I hadn't realized how long she'd been here. "I guess we lost track of time."

"Yeah," she stared at the ground for a moment then back at me. "This was a one-time thing," she straightened her shoulders and cleared her throat, "It's unprofessional for your boss to be leaving your home at such a late hour."

I was taken aback. How did she do this? How did she go from playful and sweet to cold in such an instance?

"So, this didn't happen?"

"It was a one-time thing."

"Fine," I ran my hand through my hair in frustration.

"I'll be off now. I'll see you bright and early tomorrow."

"Okay," I slipped on my house shoes attempting to follow her hour.

"I'm perfectly capable of waking yo my car alone."

"Not happening. It's dark out."

"You act as if I cannot walk myself."

"I'm walking you to your damn car and I don't care what you say."

"Whatever," she mumbled, stepping outside walking really far ahead of me.

Once I was sure she was in safe, I walked back inside shutting the door and began cleaning up. I was so pissed. She made me so angry.

After I had finished cleaning and washing dishes, I sat down to unpack when my phone began to buzz. I jumped up to answer without checking the id hoping it was K'aori.


"Hey um Lucas,"

It was Claire.

"Hey, what's up?" I settled back down opening up a box.

"I was wondering if you were busy right now," her voice was almost a whisper and she sounded scared.

"I'm not. Is everything alright?"

"No. Could you please come get me? I'm really scared."

"What happened?" I was standing now, slipping on my shoes.

"I was out with some guy and we were hanging out. I met him on a dating site and I made sure he was real and everything. He was supposed to be taking me home when he missed the turn, now I'm at this house... I just really wanna go home."

"Where is he? Is he there?"

"I told him I was ordering us some pizza. He's upstairs. Please hurry." the panic in her voice made my heart skip. She was really scared.

"Claire, I'm coming." All of my frustration from earlier had vanished completely I could hardly focus on why I was upset in the first place.

"Where are you?"

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