Detective Marshall

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K'aori's POV.

I left his house reluctantly. I wanted to stay, stay the night, cuddle with him until I fell into a deep sleep, but, I knew this wasn't something that could keep going on. He worked in my company, a relationship like this was indecent and yet, I wanted it.

Did I?

Trying to distract myself, I turned up the music in my car as I made my way down the slippery roads into the quiet neighborhood, not too far from my own, where Marshall lived. He made good money as a detective and even better money as a friend of mine.

In no time at all, I was at his door with the hood of my coat pulled over my head concealing my face.


The sound of footsteps touched my ears right before the creaking sound of the door opening turned my attention to him.

"You came a bit later than I thought you would." His curly hair was disheveled and he wore only a robe smiling at me sideways.

"Yeah sorry about that. I got held up for a bit but I'm here now. You gonna let me inside?"

He raised a brow letting a smirk creep into his face. "I'm contemplating it."

Rolling my eyes, I pushed passed him and into the warmth of his welcoming hall. I had forgotten how nice his place was and how great it smelled. Always like warm, sugar and cinnamon. It was as if he were always baking something.

"So, what's going on? What are we gonna do?"

"Well, normally I'd say something like 'lets come up with a different story,' but, today I'm thinking we should..." He stared off at the wall behind me clearly stuck in thought,"Well...come up with a different story," he chuckled, "it's the only option I can actually think of."

I sighed, running my hand through my hair. "Okay so a new story since I can no longer report the murder. Well, let's brainstorm?" We made our way to his office where we sat down gathering pins and paper.

"Okay, so it's already out that the last person seen with the man was Claire. My partners work fast and were able to get the footage way before I was even aware I was on the case. They questioned the people at the restaurant and apparently they said the man was acting extremely aggressive towards Claire and it was very off putting."

"Okay," I bit down on one of my beautifully manicured nails, "so we have the possibility of a self defense story?"

"Maybe, the problem is, my officers have been trying to reach her and can't. This indicates that she left the scene and is running which makes her guilty."

"What about fear? It not that hard to fabricate a story about him being in some type of gang or even running some kind of prostitution ring? Right? I mean did you see his house and all of the clothes everywhere? The man was obviously some kind of nut case and Claire was scared for her life, killed him and then ran away because she was afraid his people would find her and hurt her."

"That would be great if there were some kind of proof that he'd been doing that kind of thing to women."

"Leave that part to me. You know I live on the edge and have connects you wouldn't even dream of. Leave this to me. In the meantime, I want you to pitch the idea that he solicited women using his place of residence as evidence and then when you need witnesses or victims, thats when I will play my part. Also, take the time to look up his record. I can almost guarantee he has one long and extensive history with the law." I winked, standing up and putting the papers I had written on into the burning fire place to destroy that evidence. "Looks like we're done here?"

Marshall chuckled softly. I watched his deep brown eyes glow as he stared at the fire that had consumed the paper like nothing. He then turned to me. "Kai, you are really a genius aren't you?"

"No, I just know what I'm doing."

"This reminds me of the old days. When the both of us were wild and out there. Hated the lives our parents tried forcing on us. Hated it with a bitter sweet passion. Back then, we were inseparable.... To a point I suppose."

"What does it matter? That was a long time ago. We both grew up?"

He stood, walking over to me, placing his hand on my stomach and he pressed me against the warm, wooded walls of his office. "I miss it. I miss us."

"Things change." I stared into his eyes which no longer reflected the light of the fire in them.

"You changed for sure." He laughed, moving back to the table with a different expression on his face. "I'll find out what changed you but, in the meantime, I'll get this situation worked out for you then I'll figure out what I want."

"What you want?"

"As one of the many favors you owe me." He winked.


I had forgotten about that.

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