Unexpected Indeed

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  Lukes pov

I was paralyzed in amazement when our car pulled up in front of the luxurious La Push Hotel/ Eatery.  It was a grand building with lights flooding off of it from the roof feet above us. It was colored with a nice soft golden tint and had hexagonal windows spotting every floor. You could feel the fancy aura of it from miles away. It looked amazing but, most of all, expensive as hell.

No wonder I've never been here, I thought to myself while double checking my pockets to make sure I had my wallet.

I regretted saying yes now. I knew David had no financial issues what so ever so for him, this was probably burger king, however, for me, a 12 dollar meal would be severely pushing it, but, there was no way I'd let him pay for either myself or Claire.

I sighed heavily.

"I absolutely love this place!" Claire cheered flashing her perfect white smile.

"Oh really? I've never been."

"Oh you'll love it"I keep forgetting you're new in town." she giggled, skipping to lock arms.

I smiled at her, moving us to the side to check my phone.

Ask for me at the front. They'll bring you to our table (;

I took a deep breath heading inside to do as instructed. In no time at all, we were being led down a hall into what I assumed to be the Vip room since David loved to be extra.

The restaurant on the inside was just as intoxicatingly beautiful as it was on the outside. The walls were painted a warm chocolate color with low lanterns covering the walls that set a relaxing mood. The floor was wooded with a similar color as to not disturb the guests with a bad contrast. The tables were all clothed with a deep velvety red cloth. I was impressed by the way they decorated the place. Not too extra but not boring in the slightest.

After a few seconds, we were finally stopped in front of a rectangular booth where David's familiar face caught my eye.

"Hey, Lukie! You made it."

I forced a tight-lipped smile.

"Come have a seat."

Claire sat down happily, instantly engaging with the others at the table.

As I scanned the table, I realized that I not only knew 1 but, two of the people there. The sight of her made my heart jump.

Not again!

The girl I'd bumped into, not once, but twice, K'aori sat there glaring at me. She didn't look too happy to see me and the feeling was mutual.

"Everyone," Dave looked at the other to get there attention," I'd like to introduce my best friend Lucas James! He just moved here from the country so let's give him a warm welcome."

I was greeted with smiles from the other members which took my mind off of the fact that everytime K'aori even glanced in my direction, she has the most malevolent look pasted to her nearly perfect face.

"So Lucas, what made you decide to move to the city?" Claudia, David's date asked, taking a sip of her red wine.

"My career choice. I want to be a writer, journalism."

"That's amazing!" she raised her glass in praise "Had any luck?"

David chuckled "Yeah, any luck so far?"

I smiled, kicking him under the table.

"Um, yes and no." I wanted to leave it at that.

"Oh yeah, Paper Organizer is a really swell way of becoming a journalist," Kaori smirked at me.

I couldn't believe it. First, she was death glaring me and now she was making snarky comments about my job?

"Well, I guess I'd rather have that than have the hobby of having drinks spilled on me."

"Trust me, if I could've avoided it, I would have."

"Moving out of the way could've helped."

"Or watching where the hell you were going. But, its all about how you look at it right?" she sipped her drink

"Ah yes, perspective is very important and, from mine, you could've moved. But it's in the past right?"

She rolled her eyes. "David, I enjoy you but, your choice of friends are questionable."

He nearly spit out his drink from laughter.

"I feel bad for whoever decided to drag you along." I grinned at her with a wink.

She stood up clearly annoyed but I couldn't help but make one more remark.

"Be careful not to have someone accidentally spill their drink on you."

She scoffed, walking away angrily.

I sighed, putting my head down on the table.

"You guys got a lot of tension." David leaned over looking me in the eye.

"I should apologize."

"Maybe." he smiled softly.

I got up to find her. I actually did feel bad but, she really did provoke me. What the hell was I supposed to do? No one had ever made me so heated before.

I was relieved to finally find her standing in the hall that led to the restrooms. When she saw me, she rolled her eyes attempting to walk away.

"Come on. I'm here to apologize. I was an ass back there."

"You think I'm upset about what you said?" she smirked. "Don't flatter yourself. I just hate crowded places."

She continued to walk, however, something in me snapped causing me to grab her hand turning her back towards me.

She stared at me with a confused expression but something about it made me heat up inside.

"You're so beautiful..."

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