Where did you go?

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Lucas POV.

It had been three days since I'd talked to Kai. I hadn't been seeing her at work, no texts, no calls. I was sure I'd blown up her phone by now and still there was no response. I even went as far to asking Toni where she might've been but she didn't have an answer for me. I mean, she genuinely didn't know where she was, it seemed that she'd been trying to get ahold of her too.

I paced outside of Joyner Inc.,joint in my trembling hands as I called again and again.

No answer.

I wondered if it had anything to do with that night, or, whatever she had to do after. No matter, I just wanted to hear her voice, I needed to know she was okay.

"Alright," I mumbled to myself, grabbing my bag and heading to the bus stop. I had no choice, I was just gonna have to go to her house and make sure she was good. At the bus stop, I took my phone out to search her address and surprisingly, it was fairly easy to get to by bus. I would just have to finish by walking a mile or two.

So I'll get there by like 8. Sounds good.

I would've just called an Uber but, I hadn't gotten payed yet this week and rent was due in a few days.

To my pleasure, my timing hadn't been off by a lot. I arrived at the mansion at around 8:30 And the relief that consumed me when I saw the gated community of large houses was incredible. My feet were soar, my hands frozen, nose probably red. I had no idea how cold it was but, I knew it was gonna rain soon.

At the gate, the security let me in once I showed some ID and lied that it was for work purposes. He needed to be fired in my honest opinion but, he was good for now since it benefited me.

I walked up the steep driveway of her white, bricked mansion and rang the doorbell as many times as I could in one minute.

"Be right there! Patience, if you will."

An older gentleman opened the door, rasing a brow upon seeing me.

"And how may I help you?"

"Oh hi, I'm actually looking for K'aori Joyner, I'm a friend from work."

"Oh? Well, I apologise, the lady isn't here at the moment. Shall I take a message?"

"Do you know when she'll be back? Or where she went?"

"I'm afraid I'm not at liberty to tell you sir. My apologies."

"Its fine, I understand." I felt myself become filled with worry. "Is she okay? Can you at least tell me that?"

"Ms. Joyner is in perfect health and condition. No need to worry."

"Right." I turned around walking back out of the gate and stood there for a moment.

I don't want to go. I got all the way here and she's not even here but...should I go?

I turned back around and without even saying a word, the guard let me back in. I made a beeline back to Kai's house where the older man opened the door again with a slightly curious grin on his face.

"Would you like to come in, Mr. James?"

I was shocked, I didn't think he'd invite me in so easily, or that he'd even know who I was.

"Yeah, if that would be okay?"

"Absolutely. Mrs. Joyner has mentioned you quite a bit, I'm sure she wouldn't mind your being here when she returns."

"I hope she won't." I chuckled, walking inside.

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