What happened?

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K'aroi's Pov

"You have to be fucking kidding me!" Toni was nearly on top of my desk with excitement and worry. "How long has it been since you've don't something like that huh? Years, am I right?"

I signed shaking my head, trying not to let a smile form on my lips. My best friend, however, was so amused with the situation.

"Wow, this definitely brings me back to the good old days." she sat back down in the seat opposite of mine, resting her elbows on my desk.

"But explain to me again, how did he end up being there?"

"Apparently, Claire had called him way before she'd called me. I had no idea whatsoever. "

"Would've shot her dumb ass too. So anyway, how do you plan on covering this up?"

"I called Marshall last night," I told her about the conversation we had and that I was sure he was gonna be able to cover it up pretty well. On top of that, it wouldn't be too hard to just pay off the department, they were really what you'd call, moral.

"Well, I'm glad you've got everything figured out. When you need me to, I'll go check up on Claire."

"Thanks, Nini,"

"Mmhmm dont worry about it, Kay." she winked before walking out with still, an amused smile pasted to her face. I loved that girl. She was someone i knew i could trust for life.

Once the door had shut completely, i rested my head on my desk with a sigh. I didn't get enough sleep, or at least, that's the way it felt. My body was every with stress and exhaustion.

Should've gotten rid of that dumb broad earlier. I wouldn't be in this mess.

As i repositioned myself back up to begin looking through the papers i had arranged on my desk, a knock on the door reached my ears.

"Come in," just as the words had left my mouth, i saw his sparkling green eyes filled with irritation.

"Did she try and talk you to death?"

"Why does it matter? Do you need something?" I no longer liked being cold and distant towards him, especially after what he'd seen, but, there was no other way for me to be. This is what i knew.

"No, not really. I guess i just wanted to make sure you were okay."

"Of course I'm okay, why wouldn't i be?"

"So, then, is the goal to act like nothing ever happened? Because, if it is, I'm all game but, you need to communicate with me."

"I don't need to do anything. But what you need to do is take a hint."

"Oh?" he chuckled softly, placing his index finger on my lips to silence me, "but did you forget already? You owe me."

I felt my blood start to heat up. Why did i despise him so much? Why did I want him just as equally?

"I remember, i remember what the hell i said, okay?*

"Okay." he laughed, taking a seat. "So, tell me, what happened exactly?"

"I already told you that i cannot say yet. But i will tell you that you're in the clear and have nothing further to concern yourself about. Now, you and i both have things to attend to. Go and do your job if your desire is to keep it."

"Fine," he stood, "Be that way. Just remember, you still have a favor to do for me. Is watch that attitude if i were you." he flashed one last smile, walking out and shutting the door.

"Can i catch a break today?" just then, the phone rang. I groaned I'm frustrated.


"Hello, this is Joyner inc. Yore speaking to Kai, how may i help you?"

"K'aori, its Marshall."

"Oh," i sighed "thank god, what's up? Not supposed to come in until later today right?"

"Well originally, that was the plan but, it looks like there has been a change..."

"What do you mean" i tried to keep my tone relaxed but, something bad had to have happened for him to call.

"A neighbor of the man that was..um..murdered..called in late last night after they'd heard the gunfire.  I was put on the case this morning. That's probably the only upside to this. You're story, however, is a bust.

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