"You owe me"

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Luke's Pov.

"What the hell is going on?!" I tried to remain calm but, I knew they could see my body shaking. K'aori stared at me from where she stood with complete shock pasted to her face.

"Why is he here?" She turned to Claire who's face was still buried in her hands, completely disregarding my question.

"I called him."

"Why?" K'aori's voice was low but she sounded deadly.

"I didn't know this would happen, I'm so sorry," she managed through tears.

"She called me because she needed me. Why the hell are you here? I thought you had to go home after leaving my place. And, how do you two know each other?"

"You're not asking questions here!" She snapped, "Claire, get the hell up and help me move him, grab the bandages, close the wound and get him an ice pack."

Claire stood almost immediately, doing exactly as she was instructed, moving almost like a robot.

"Hey! You need to tell me what's going on."

"I have no obligation to tell you anything," she sat down the pole that was still dripping with blood and cracked her knuckles. "Stay put," she walked out of the room and returned Less than a second later with a bucket and mop. She started to mop, with little success, the blood that had started to seep through the wooded floor.

Suddenly, Claire gasped, dropping the bandages and falling to her knees with a look of complete and utter terror on her face.

I rushed over to her, placing her head on my chest to sooth her. "You're okay."

"No! No! No!" She cried hysterically.

What could've changed her mood so suddenly. I looked up at the blood soaked man who's eyes were now open, but he was completely motionless. His chest had stopped moving rapidly as it had been before as he struggled for life.

"Is he..."

"Fuck!" K'aori slammed down the mop and walked over to the chair that Claire had placed the man in, placing her hands on her hips deep in thought.

"Well what the hell are you doing! We have to call someone if he's dead!"

"Have you lost your mind? Get a grip and shut up. You shouldn't even be here." She turned around to a bag that I hadn't noticed had been placed on the ground behind us. She reached in, pulling out a pair of gloves and a small pistol. She then, took out her cell phone and made a call that only lasted about 3 seconds. "Get the fuck up," she motioned to Claire, who, once again, stood almost robotically, "you too, get away from him."

"What are you doing?" She aimed the pistol at his head and shot once. Brains flew all across the room.

What have I truly gotten myself into?

She placed the pistol in his limp hand and removed her gloves.

I was in utter shock but at the same time, completely fascinated. I'd known her as my boss, as the most attractive woman I'd ever seen. But, but this? I didn't know if this added to my attraction or, dismissed it completely.

"Do not touch anything. Let's go." She grabbed Claire, pulling her out of the house, I followed close behind. Once we were back outside and, into the fresh night air, she practically threw Claire in the car and made her way over to me.

"You wanna tell me what happened?"

She swallowed, darting her eyes to the ground. She had become completely different again. She was back to the woman I knew.

"I do want to tell you but, I don't want you involved in this kind of thing."

I took a deep breath of frustration, leading on the roof of the car and staring into her eyes which were riddled with sorrow.

"Alright, I understand. Just promise something?"

"What is it?"

"One day, you'll let me know what happened here."

"I can't promise that. I can't make a promise like that Lucas."

I sighed, "Alright."

"I'm really sorry you had to see me that way. I never meant for that to happen."

"It's whatever really. I don't think I'm traumatized yet." I tried to laugh it off to lighten the mood but, I knew this was something that would stick with me forever. "You owe me."

"Whatever you want. You deserve it." She got in to her car waving goodbye without even looking back, her engine roared as she sped down the street leaving smoke behind her.

I was alone again. I just hopped I had enough money to make it back home.

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