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K'aori's POV

My hands were stuck to the steering wheel, eyes glued to the road. I could feel the anger in my cheeks building up more and more with every red light we hit.

Claire sniffled in the seat next to me still crying like a child, it made me want to backhand her. She had no right to be in tears, I should've just left her there to pay the price for disobeying me.

"Stop crying, had you'd listened to me in the first place, tonight wouldn't have happened. I told you that that man was trouble, that we was crazy and yet you still went with him."

"I know, I'm sorry."

"Yeah, I bet. Sorry after he's already dead."

"What are we gonna do?

"We aren't doing anything, you are allowed to skip town for a while because you were the last person seen with him on video therefore, you are the only suspect. There's only so much I can do to cover you."

She sighed, turning her head back to the window, letting more years escape.

"Claire stop the tears now!" I could hear the ferociousness in my own voice that even made me tremble.

She wiped her face once more, sitting back up quickly and composing herself.

"We're going to the mansion, I'm going to give you some money and admission to El Hotel Joyner," I tried to keep my voice calm and level, "you are to stay there, in that town, until I give the okay for you to either leave or come back here. Understand?"

"Yes ma'am"

"If I find out that you've done otherwise, you're done."

She nodded, keeping her eyes at her feet.

Fear creates respect, unfortunately.

I was more than relived when we pulled up to my house. The gates had already been opened, expecting my arrival and my house keepers stood outside ready to greet me and take my blood stained coat.

"Good evening Ms. Joyner."

"And a good evening to you. Have that coat burned immediately, Claire come in quickly."

We walked into the warm living room arena where we took off our shoes and headed into my closet room which housed my money, clothes, shoes and other things.

"Put these on," I threw some clothes in her direction, " grab that suitcase right there,"

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. My heart skipped but calmed quickly, I had nothing to worry about.

"It's Ronald Miss, perhaps I should do the packing."

"Yes, come in Ronald, thank you, im gonna take a call, I'll be back shortly." I looked back at Claire who was still changing, "I'll be right back."

She nodded and I headed out onto the balcony.

My phone had several missed calls from Toni, Daniel and of course, Lucas. I sighed wondering how I would explain what happened when the time came. Could I even really explain?

I deleted all of the calls and decided to call someone who I knew could help Claire stay in the clear for now.

"Hello, Kai? I haven't gotten a call from you in a while."

"Hello Marshall, I need something."

"When don't you?"

"When I don't call."

"Right," he chuckled, "what is it then this time, Ms. Joyner." Marshall was an old friend of mine from highschool. He had become a detective for the town a few years back and was my go to for sticky situations. I had connections.

"There's gonna be a case a few days from now, a homicide, I need you to cover it."

I heard his seat shift as he sat up. I had caught his attention completely now.

"Well, I'll be glad to do so however, it depends on who it's reported to. Are you in some trouble."

"Me?" I giggled softly, "When am I ever in trouble?"

"When you call." We both broke out in laughter.

"Well, you know I'll always pull my leg for you Kai, so what you need to do is, come up with some alibi for what you were doing and how you found the body. If there aren't any clues for a suspect, then you should be in the clear."

"Well, that's where the issue comes in," I walked back into my room to sit on the soft bed, "there is a suspect, I'm having her skip town, she was last seen with the man on video. They went to a restaurant."

"Damn, well, if she isn't known for being around you, your name is definitely in the clear but her, not so much. Have her go somewhere far for a long time and, change her appearance as well if she ever plans on coming back or being being in a town close."

"Got it."

"Good. You should come in tomorrow and give me the rest of the details and then I'll make sure I'm on the case when it officially reported."

"Thanks Marsh, I really owe you one."

"You owe me a few," he laughed softly. I could tell he was going deep into thought now. "Get some rest Kai, I'll see you tomorrow."

"I will. Thank you again."

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