Time together

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Lucas' pov

The brushing of her hair on my face stirred me from my pleasantly deep sleep. Her strawberry scented locs had become my favorite smell.

Oh, I slept here?

I guess we had officially spent the night together, no sex, no drugs, no drinks. That's how it's usually went, wasn't it? I chuckled at the thought.

A soft breeze entered the room shuffling my hair and fluttering the perl colored curtains in and out. I had no idea we had left those open. It reminded me of a good book, one where you could really connect with the characters and felt what they felt.

A soft breeze awoke me from my slumber. One that was as cold as Ice but had the warmth of a thousand volcanoes. It couldn't have have been the wind itself though, it had to be her, and the heat of her body that kept me from shivering at the drafts touch.

I didn't want to slide out of bed, she was sleeping so peacefully, hardly even making a sound, but, I was hungry as hell and I could hear someone cooking downstairs. Just the chattering of the utensils alone made my mouth water with anticipation.

"Kai the bacon is calling to me."

"If you move, I'll kill you."

I jumped a but surprised. I didn't realize she was such a light sleeper. "Promise that?" I teased, trying move myself from underneath her.

She laughed softly, moving off of my shoulder and onto the pillow. "Bring me some?"

"Of course babe.." It had felt so natural coming off my tongue. So...sweet. I wondered if she minded. What did this make us? I shook my head. It didn't matter. We weren't in highschool.

I made my way out of her room and into the large hallway where I actually ended up getting lost while searching for the stairs. Eventually, I made it to the staircase and into the kitchen where two plates were already set.

"Is Ms Joyner coming down for breakfast?" It was her Butler.

"Uh, nah, she wants me to bring it up to her, if that's alright." He nodded without another word and I made my way back to her but not before a small booklet sitting beneath a flower vase caught my attention. Normally, I would bypass something so irrelevant but, this particular booklet had K'aori 's name on it.

El Hotel Joyner?

I knew she was rich but, she had a hotel? Was this where she was? Why? I decided to slide it in my pocket and let it go for now. I could figure it out later.

"Eggs, bacon, toast and waffles. This is crazy, the most I have for breakfast is cereal and if I'm feeling fancy, some toast."

"No, really?" she giggled softly while pushing her hair back to eat, "this is always how it is. Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day."

"Is that so?"

"That's what all of the commercials say."

I nodded and we continued the rest of our meal in silence, I was mostly focused on the booklet and why it was here and why I didn't know about it. But, then again, who was I? Why did I need to know. There was an itch though, there was something I needed to know about her that she wasn't telling me.

"So have you had any ideas for books?"

That threw me off. "huh? Oh...um.."

"You wanna be a writer don't you?" She made a face that was half confused half intrigued.

"Yeah but, I guess I haven't really had the time to give it much thought. I have a bunch of drafts though."

"That's good. It's good that you happen to work for a publishing company, maybe we can check it out and see where your little drafts go?"

"You guys focus on children's books and I can tell you right now, none of my book ideas are for kids.'

She smiled faintly, "oh I bet, but, you aren't getting much on anywhere being in the organization section of the building so I suppose to could move you..."

"Kai, I wanna work for it."

She shook her head and began to bite on her bottom lip. "I know, but, you've been such a big help and if I can, I wanna make your dreams come true"

"You already did..." I smiled at her then popped a strawberry into my mouth.

"What do you mean."

"You told me you love me. That's something I've dreamed about."

"Stop it!" She laughed, pushing me aside softly.

"So, I guess we're both calling in sick today?" I raised my brow hoping shed agree.

" I don't have to call into anything, however, you have taken the day off for business purposes." She winked.

"So does that mean we have something planned for the day?"

"I have an idea of something we should do."

"WHY THE FUCK!" I was practically screaming at the top of my lungs. We were miles and miles away from the shore of the beach she'd decided it would be a good idea to go to. The water was bright blue with the white of the sun reflecting off it it practically blinding me and I felt my stomach turning upside down and back up each time we hit a wave. "K'aori let's go back! Please!" I'd never been the type to give in but, I hated boats and I hated the ocean.

"Pussy!" She laughed. Her entire being was glowing, her dark hair flowing as the wind combed through it, her beautiful brown skin sparkling In the sunlight. And here I was, dying.

"How about we slow down!"

"Huh? What was that?... Speed up!?"


She moved the handle of the small, four person boat and speed it up another ten miles.

She was evil.

I was more than relived when we'd finally hit the shore again and my legs wobbled hopelessly as I found my way into solid ground.

"Never again!"

"Oh come on, it wasn't that bad!" She was laughing and her voice was so...happy. She was happy. "I had fun Luke, I really did.

"I'm glad but, next time, let's ask before we do crazy shit."

"Okay, I promise to ask your permission next time." She stared at me submissively with those doll like eyes.

"Don't so that," I bit down hard on my bottom lip.

I hoped and prayed I wouldn't be spending the night again, I had been holding myself back but I knew that she was gonna try me today. I just knew.

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