Lucas James

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K'aori's Pov

I jumped out of bed completely startled by the electric ringing buzzing in my ear. I checked to see if it were my cell phone but realized that it was on silent, as usual. I opened the top drawer on my nightstand and began rummaging through my many business phones. Until I found the one lighting up.

"Hello?" I cleared my throat "this is Kai Joyner."

"Oh, so you go by Kai?"

I recognized his rough, smooth voice instantly, wishing I hadn't picked up.

"Lucas,"I made his name sound as blunt and cold as possible coming out of my mouth. "Is there a reason you're calling me at-" I glanced at my small alarm clock reading the red digital numbers, "3:45 am?"

"I wanted to make sure this number worked."I could hear him chuckling.

"You couldn't have called later? Maybe in the morning?"

"If I did, I might be later for work."

"Ugh," I groaned. No one frustrated me this much. Ever!

"Were you sleeping well?"

I took in a sharp breath remembering the dream id been having. I felt my face become incredibly flush.

I was dreaming that! About him?

Before he could continue further, I hung up, taking a deep exhale and laying back down. It had to just be a coincidence that my dream was about him. He was the last person I had an encounter with last night. I sighed, closing my eyes and falling back asleep.

The next morning went by much more quickly than usual. We started off with another boring meeting that I paid very little attention to, then they started discussing the already made progress of investing in the publishing company. Several authors had already requested to be apart of our venture presenting various ideas for their own children's stories. That had to be the highlight of my morning. I enjoyed hearing that news.

By 11 o'clock, we were heading back to the small building to interview the already placed employees and decide what renovations were to be made.

As I entered the small white building, I inhaled sharply. Lucas was there at the front desk having a very interesting conversation with the receptionist. He was leaned over with one knee bent, head tilted. She was smiling and laughing at what I assumed to be him presenting his more than charming personality.

Hoping that he wouldn't notice, I walked past them quickly, trying to become interested in the paperwork resting in my arms failing miserably.

"Hello, Mrs. Joyner. Nice morning?"

I felt my heart leap as I turned around to see his beautifully structured face. His forest eyes danced while they gazed into mine.

"Yes indeed. A very nice morning."

"We have interviews today don't we?" the receptionists chimed in annoyingly.

"Yes. That's today so everyone should be prepared."

Scratching over excited receptionist off of the list.

"Well I hope everyone does well." he was standing straight again. I followed his eyes as he looked me up and down like I was dinner and he was ready to eat.

"Mhmm. I as well." I turned around again heading to my new office. My heart was pounding as if I was back in middle school and my crush just spoke to me. That infuriated me more than anything.

By 2 pm, I'd done 5 interviews with 5 very tedious people that I had no intention of keeping. In fact, they made me want to just fire everyone and start over. I moved to the next sheet of paper not very surprised to see that Lucas had slipped his way into my stack.

As if on queue, there was a knock and a dark bush of hair was peeking through my door.

"My turn?"

"Mind reader?"

"You could say that." he chuckled sitting down.

"So, Lucas James, you're 26 years old. You're from some hick town in the land of nowhere and your previous job was a managerial position at...CVS.." I snickered.

"Hey, it's a small town." he laughed. "I made great money."

"What made you want to start up in journalism?" this wasn't on my list of questions but I was curious.

"It's not really just journalism really. Id like to be a novelist. Something about writing takes me away, on this adventure I've never been able to go on myself. The possibilities when you're writing are pretty much endless, you know?" his eyes were sparkling again. "Like hell, if I wanted to fly a dragon to Paris," he broke out into laugher, "I could, and no one could stop me."

"Wow, that's amazing." I truly did admire how passionate he was about this particular topic and I had to admit, it was an incredible turn on.

"You think so?" his voice became soft and rough at the same time. The sparkling look in his eyes changed to something else, something more seductive that made me cross my legs under my desk.

"Indeed." I managed.

I allowed my eyes to travel from his eyes to his moist pink, lips, to his smooth neck, to his collarbone that was covered up by the black button up he sported. I imagined myself biting him and kissing him up and down. Memories of the dream flooded my mind causing me to bite down on my bottom lip without me even being aware of it.

"Miss Joyner,"I didn't know how, but somehow, he'd reached across the desk. His lips were nearly touching the lobe of my ear. His voice was so sexy as he whispered my name again.

"Miss Joyner, I should go. I'm afraid that if I look at you any longer, I'm gonna lock this door and put you on top of this desk.

A light moan escaped my lips. As soon as I heard it, I moved back, away from him as far as was possible.

"Um..yes. I do think...this interview is over."

"I do hope I did alright." he bit his lip taking one last glance at me and, walked out.

I couldn't believe it.

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