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Kaori's Pov

"Are you done?" I had walked back into my closet where Claire had fixed up her face. I was shocked that there wasn't even a hint that she'd been crying on her face, she had fixed up her entire appearance. She looked as if she was about to go out and party with friends or something to that affect.

"Yes, I'm ready." She grabbed the suitcase that I had told her to pack and stood at the door waiting for me. Her eyes remained expressionless, I assumed she was doing all that she really could do, cope.

"Alright, I'm not coming with you. I'll have a driver take you out. Oh, when you get there, you've gotta change up your look?"

"How so?" She questioned curiously.

"Cut your hair, dye it, change the name you go by, wear some contacts. Hell, get a nose job if you want. Now, you should be on your way, I have business to take care of."

"Mrs. Kay, will I be alright?"

I started into her deep eyes letting a genuine smile form on my lips, "yes."

After she'd gone, I hopped in the shower. My plan was to sit in there for as long as I could to just relax but, I knew that couldn't be done. I had calls to answer, people to message, work to do.

I let the steaming water crawl through my hair, down my neck, back, legs...
I felt it as it touch every part of my body, I let it consume me for as long as I could, momentarily forgetting about my responsibilities and more importantly, what kind of report I was gonna make up for the officers.

I could always just pay them off if it gets too deep.

About ten minutes later, I sat in my room naked, with nothing but a towel covering me. I went through my phone listening to voicemail after voicemail from work, Toni, and Lucas.

"Hey k'aori it's me Luke, um I wanna talk, it doesn't have to be about what happened.. um.. I'm just feeling a little lost right now. Call me back..."

I let a sigh escape my lips, turning off my phone again and snuggling up in my blankets. How was I gonna blow him off? I couldn't.

I closed my eyes, finally relaxing enough to let sleep overtake me. Tomorrow was going to be interesting.

"Good morning Ms Joyner." The receptionist who I found terribly annoying, greeted me upon my arrival. I had no idea why she was even there considering she wasn't one of the people that had gotten a slip to come back.

"Good morning? Is there something you need?" I took a sip of my coffee, stoping to humor her.

"Actually yes, there is, I didn't get a slip and I'm just wondering why."

"You interview probably didn't go well."

"But I though that y-"

"Well if you didn't get a slip to come back, you probably thought wrong. You can reapply like anyone else would though if you'd like to be given another chance to work in this establishment."

"That's bull shit! I've been working here forever. This was my first job!" Tears began to fall from her eyes making me feel even more annoyed.

"Well, now you have the opportunity to try something else, have a nice day."

"You ca-"

Suddenly, I felt the chill of the outside air brush past my cheeks as the door opened and closed. A tired looking Lucas walked in with his work bag. He looked as if he'd been up all night and he didn't look to happy to see first thing.

"K'aori," he ran his hand through his hair as he thought about what to say, "good morning."

"And a good morning to you." I tried desperately to keep my voice from changing. I needed to act just as I always would.

"I need to talk to you right now, it's important."

I took a deep breath, trying to come up with any excuse not to let him. I don't want to talk, not yet.

Just as if the heavens heard my plea, Toni stormed in looking pissed as an ox. Her hair was pulled back into a classic bun and she wore a white button up and jeans. I was getting a lecture today.

"Kai to your office now, we need to talk immediately."

I noticed, waving a Lucas who looked more than disappointed and followed my best friend down the hall.

So happy to be done, Kai's chapters are kinda at a stand still right now. Thanks for supporting this story guys. I appreciate it so much.

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