But we Shouldn't

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K'aori's Pov

My breath caught in my throat. The way he stared at me was so intense. I couldn't remember a time that anyone had looked at me in that way.

It was strange to me especially because I'd been so mad at him just seconds ago his eyes were so beautiful like staring into the forest at night, a deep deep dark forest.

Snap out of it girl!

I shook my head snatching my hand from his.

"You think flattery is really gonna get to me? Keep dreaming. "I walked away, heart pounding. That was insane.

When I got back to the table, I started to gather my things I was too busy to be here anyhow and id rather be home in a relaxing salt bath getting ready to eat and sleep comfortably in my California king bed.

"You're leaving?" David was in utter confusion but I really couldn't care less.

"Yeah. I have a lot to do."

"Oh.." Mark, my date looked stunned.

"You can stay. It's fine with me."

"Well I was hoping tonight we could um,"

"Don't think about it."

I grabbed my purse, walking away quickly.

Once I was out in the garage, I took a deep breath. I hated getting out of character like that.

"Miss K'aori!" I turned around to see him again. He was walking right towards me very quickly. I wanted to avoid this if I could.

"The hell do you want?"

"You forgot your coat." He held up my cotton pea coat. "Why are you leaving so soon?"

"Mind your business." I started towards my car again.

He chuckled, following behind, still holding my coat. "You walk fast."

"Why are you still here."

"Why do you hate me?"

"Why are you such a dick." I reached my car, turning around, shocked to be face to face with him.

"Well, I don't mean to be but, something about you ticks me the hell off."

"Oh I see, you get off on women rejecting you?"

"Maybe." He moved his face closer to mine. "Can I ask you something?"

"If I say no, are you going to ask anyway?"

He chuckled. "Yes."

I raised my brow. "Might as well then, huh?"

"Are you seeing someone?"

I laughed "Why do you ask?"

"Id really like to take you out."

"The real question is, do I want to go out with you?" I winked, opening my car door and stepping inside.

"Well do you?" He held my door open, grinning.

"I'll think about it," I whispered, dropping my card on the ground. "Give me a call sometime." I winked before closing the door and speeding off into the lights if the city.

♠        ♠        ♠

As soon as I got home, I had my housekeeper run me a bath. I was exhausted from the day. I felt like id been overwhelmed lately.

The bath felt incredible on my skin. The heat of the water, the oils from the bath bombs, the way the specks of salts caressed my skin beneath the surface, it was amazing.

My mind drifted to the things I had to do and how I would do them.

I have to work tomorrow then work some more and maybe more.

Then the realization that I was running yet another company hit me.

"Damnit. What the hell."  I sighed. I needed to catch a break. I hadn't even had a chance for my other hobbies!

Once I was in bed, I fell way faster than I thought I would.

That night was filled with intense dreams of myself and Lucas?! We were out on a date and I couldn't help but touch him in places that would severely arouse any man. He acted unbothered with it, inhaling sharply every now and then. At one point, we were in a restaurant, and, I guess I took the shenanigans too far. He ended up snatching me by the upper arm pulling me into the bathroom. He made sure no one was around and put me on the counter and lifted my skirt.

"You've been so naughty tonight." He groaned in my ear. "Apologize now." He bit the lobe of my ear. I loved that feeling. It sent chills all down my body.

"I have nothing to apologize for, I managed, biting down on my bottom lip. 

"Oh?" He raised a brow, taking another deep breath, bringing his hand up, and smacking it down on one of my ass cheeks.

"Fuck.." I felt myself become instantly wet.


I stayed in silence which resulted in him smacking my ass once again.

"Sorry master," I moaned it louder than I should've, completely regretting it. I'd never even said anything remotely close. I was stunned.

"Oh, my. K'aori you're such a good girl."

He bent me over now, tearing my blue lace panties and playing with me in ways I enjoyed more than anything. The way his fingers penetrated me sent a zap of pleasure all through my body causing me to moan and moan and moan some more. I loved it.

As he continued to play with my sensitive areas, his soft lips sucked on the skin of my neck. Everything felt so intense. It was as if I was burning up. My heart was pounding, body pulsing,  my hands gripped the head of the sink as the pleasure began to flood my body, one wave more pleasurable than the one before. I could feel my body reaching its limit...when suddenly, a loud screeching erupted in my ears...

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