A kiss

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Lucas Pov.

The dinner was nice. We kept it short and pretty quickly ate whatever little meals we'd ordered. I couldn't tell if I was in a rush or her. Throughout our time there, we'd barely even said a word to each other but, I could feel the pressure building and it made my heart pound with anticipation.

"Are you horny?" I blurted it out without thinking causing her to choke on her wine.

"What kind of shit is that?"

"It's a question," I chuckled, keeping direct eye contact with her.

"I know it's a question but what on earth made you ask it?"

"I'm not sure. I guess it just something about the way you keep glancing at me. Or the way you you're pressing that glass to your lips."

"Stop that!" She put her glass down, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. "You, Lucas James, are too much for me," she buried her face in her palms clearly conflicted.

I laughed even harder. One thing she could never hide from me was her frustration.

"Well, let me know when you're ready to head out."

"Yeah yeah. Did you want to go straight home?

"What do you mean?" She crossed her arms, looking at me curiously.

"Well, I mean, we could go do something."


"Come one K'aori!" I laughed again, "we could go to a park or, on a walk, we could even go over to the lake or something dumb like that."

"It's night time?"


"Some of us have things to do? Working? Businesses to run?"

"Yes,and some if us know the meaning of a break!"

She shook her head, keeping that light smile adjusted to her perfect lips. "I can't, not tonight."

"What excuse do you have for me this time?"

"It's not an excuse," she smiled at the waiter as he took her card away to charge us. "I'm just busy tonight. I have arrangements to make."

"For what?"

"You ask too many questions."

"Should I not?" I felt my body become tense with frustration and I knew she could feel it too. I felt it oozing off of me like a strong odor.

"Calm down. There are just things that I have to take care of and thats all you need to know."

The waiter came back with her card and a receipt. "Thanks have a night night," he said with a smile, walking away.

"How much?"

"Does it matter?" She raised a brow, "it was my treat."

"How much? I wanna pay you back."

"Lucas," she sighed, "you can pay me back by taking me on one of those little night adventures you were mentioning earlier, okay. I'll make time. I promise."

I nodded unable to argue. Not with that tone, not with that face.

"Let's head back now?"


The car ride home had a lot less silence than the ride there. We talked about work and the new positions that had been opened. We talking about who we thought passed and failed the test, i even brought up the new girl who she told me was going to possibly be a replacement for herself since she had multiple sites to manage.

"So like, a supervisor then?"


"That means you won't be in as much huh?"

"Yeah. It's just that I have so many projects to manage at the moment so, there's a lot going on. You know?"

"No," I chuckled, "Ive never been that busy in my life. Ever."

She smiled, keeping her eyes on the road.

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"Thanks for tonight." I leaned over her door staring at her through her window that was rolled all the way down.

"It's not a problem."

"This might have been the best night I've had in a while."

"You're kidding, right?" She laughed. I absolutely adored the way her face would light up when she laughed.

"No. I'm not. Honest."

"Well," she giggled, "I'm glad I was able to make your night."

"Me too." I felt it taking over me now. The pressure. It was as if I being pushed towards her.


My lips pressed against hers stopping her sentence before it even started. It was a soft, slow, sensual kiss. Not too much passion but just enough to keep her thinking about it. The warmth of her lips on mine made my heart skip out of control it was my intention to make her want more but it was having that exact effect on me.

"Goodnight kai."

"G... goodnight Lucas..."

Heyo I know it's been a while. I'm in the middle of moving and it's such asss!!! But anyways loves, thanks for reading this chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment pleasseee I wanna know how you guys are feeling about the direction of the story so far💜 thank you. Love you.

The rest of the novel is available for purchase on amazon!!

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