Chapter 1 - the app

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11 years. 11 fucking miserable years I have been a victim to Zach's words, fist, game and more. I moved here 11 years ago and the first time Zach laid his eyes upon he became determined to make my life a living hell starting at the age of 6. That's right I'm 17 and for almost 2/3's of my life I've been miserable. When it started at the age of 6 I could handle it. It was just rude comments of a regular 6 year old, telling everyone to stay away, and some pushing here and there on the playground. Just a few cuts and bruises. Today though, today is a much different story. It's gone from cuts and bruises to broken bones, permanent scars, unhealing bruises and self inflicted cuts. Each year the scars add on.

I have become so accustomed to this life that I've become numb. Numb. I've literally become numb to the pain, but it's not just numb it's so painful all at the same time. I either feel nothing or everything. And it's so sad that I feel any of this at all. I've become so hurt and struggle so much that what comes naturally is painful. Just breathing hurts because I want for me to not breathe so much, but still here I am.

But it's not just Zach that makes me feel like this, no today the whole school participates in bullying and making me miserable with Zach as their leader. It's a game to them that Zach made and everyone plays along in. Literally it is a game. I'm not kidding they have an app. That's right you heard me correct an app all about bullying me. And you know what the objective of the game is? It's to hurt me. You literally hurt me and you get points.

Here is how you play:
1. you sign up and put your name so everyone knows what you have done and who is winning
2. You find me in the halls and bully me in some way
3. You get on the app and click on the option of what you've done
4. Once you have you get points that add up to your total
5. Everyone's total is ranked and whoever is the highest has done the worst to me

That's right I don't make this shit up. It's a game to physically hurt me. And everyone plays if you don't play well then your me cause I'm the only one. And you know who made it? That's right Zach made it. And don't worry it's free so everyone can play even you. And you know who is always number 1 with the highest total?... Zach. Always close behind is the rest of his little group of boys: Jack, Jonah, Daniel, and Corbyn. And let's not forget the queen bitch: Hannah. 

Zach always stays on top currently with 7,385 points. In second place is Hannah with 3,860. I know what your thinking how the hell did they get so many points? Well let's just say a lot of shit has happened to me.

For example:
* throw her in trash can/dumpster- 100 points
* Shove her into locker- 20 points
* Dump food or drink on her- 60 points
* Spit ball -5 points (weak shit)
* Knock her unconscious- 250 points
* Meme or video - 40 points
* Any others must write a description and send to Zach Herron. He will determine the amount of points you get.

Those are only a few examples there are many more options. Oh and my personal favorite is sending her to the hospital - 500 points. Let's just say for Zach to have such a high amount I've been to the hospital and knocked unconscious multiple times.

Oh and let's not forget that there is a hate page. All they do is talk straight shit on me. Day in and day out. You'd think they would have run out of things to say by now, but no they just keep going. Here let's open up the app and read what they said yesterday. Yeah I have the app. Why? To torture myself and make life so much harder.

Hannah: did you see what ratchet Rachel was wearing today? Talk about having no sense of fashion.

Jack: right! I don't ever think she has looked in a mirror

Zach: she has, but it broke

Jonah: omg me and Corbyn are dying 😂😂😂

Chase: 😂😂 god I love this app

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