Chapter 22- wanna go upstairs?

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Rachel pov:

"Hey babe" Zach said walking up to me at my locker.

"Hey" I reply with a blush.

"What do you have planned this weekend?" He asked putting his arm against the locker beside mine.

"Not much I'll just be busy with this super cute boy." I said biting my lip and closing my locker.

"What boy!" Zach said anger lavish his voice as he pushed off the locker beside me.

"My boyfriend" I said and turn to walk away.

"Who is—" he cut him self off finally putting two and two together "oh" he said as he walked beside me. I gave him and innocent smile and he rolled his eyes but smiled anyways.

"So what are our plans this weekend?" I asked stopping in the middle of the hallway to look at him.

"Well Gabe is throwing a party tonight and I'm going cause he's my best friend and of course I want you to come." He said.

I turned to continue walking and so did Zach, "I don't know I've never been to a party before. It's not really my scene." I said walking towards my last class which I have with Zach.

"How do you know it's not your scene if you've never been?" He said with a smile knowing he was right.

"Fine" I said stopping again and so did Zach, "I'll go this one time but if I don't like it I'm leaving early."

"That's fair." Zach said and gave me a quick kiss on the forehead before continuing to class.

Class went by quick and it was finally the weekend so everyone was racing out of the school. Zach took me home as usual and dropped me off and said he would be back in a couple hours to pick me up and take me to the party.

I've never been to a party before so what the hell am I supposed to wear? Calling up Jessica she rushed over excited to help me get ready.

She did my hair and makeup and picked out my clothes. She put me in a tight black dress that clung to me in a lo the right places. She curled my hair and did my makeup. Looking at myself in the mirror I was shocked it wasn't the weak girl or even myself; the girl in front of me looked more like and Instagram model.

I may look amazing and all but I won't be caught dead in heels at a party. If I'm gonna dance I'm wearing sneakers. So I did.

Knock knock. Came from the front door downstairs. Both me and Jessica ran downstairs. She told me to wait in the living room and that she would bring Zach to me.

So I went to the living room and awkwardly just stood there. I listened to jessica open the door and heard a murmured conversation till I heard foot steps toward me. The moment I saw Zach a smile grew on my face. When he looked at me his jaw fell open and he looked me up and down his eyes hungry.

"Damn Rachel!" He said pulling me into his chest, tightly wrapping his arms around me.
"You look so sexy" he said making me giggle.

"Thank you."I blushed and laced our fingers together.

"Ready to go?" I asked.

"Hold on" he said letting go of my hand. He pulled out his phone and started taking pictures of me. I laughed and then put my hands out for his phone and stole it from him.

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