Chapter 13- you're under arrest

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It's strange your life flashing before your eyes. It was cool and all, but most of it I didn't want to see. Most of my life has been terrible and spent alone. Most of what flashed before my eyes was me being bullied. Not even here wherever I am can I escape him. I'll never be free and that was the whole point

Zach pov:

Walking into the hospital everything was a chaotic mess. Running to the front desk I slammed me hands down on the counter. "Tell me where Rachel Scott is!" I demanded (honestly I don't know if I have her a last name before and if I did I have no idea what it is).

The receptionist slowly looked up at me like 'really bitch'. She looked back at her computer then began typing. In a monotone voice she said, "Rachel Scott, room 416 floor 4" as soon as she finished I let out a quick thanks and ran to the elevator. I hate elevators. And that was the slowest elevator ever!

As soon as the doors open a ran out of the doors. Looking a round there was a sign showing which way the rooms were. 416 was to the right, so to the right I went. Sprinting through the halls I ended up in a waiting area somehow with another receptionist.

Running up to her I let out a sigh, "where is room 416? I need to see Rachel Scott." She looked up at me with a big smile.

"Are you a family relative?" She asked.

"Yes." I lied straight through my teeth. But with good intent obviously. She looked at her computer and began typing.

"Ok well no one can see her at the moment. The doctor should be out soon and you can talk to him. He will determine if you can see her or not. For now please take a seat." She smiled at the end.

With a sigh I walked over to a chair. I knew it was useless. It had been nearly 5 mins and I was bored out of my mind. And I was thinking to much causing me to pull at my hair. I can't believe I did this. I regret everything I never should have made that damn app.

"Code blue. Code blue. Room 416." Came above me on a speaker. THATS RACHELS ROOM! I started freaking out. What is code blue?

Right then a group of nurses rushed past me and down the hall with a crash cart. Immediately I followed them. I had to see Rachel. To tell her everything.

Running into the room I saw all the nurses hovering around her. I could only see a small portion of Rachel's face through their bodies. Then my attention turned to the machine she was hooked up to. The line was flat. She was flatlining. Her heart was no longer beating. The sound of that machine I would never forget.

Looking back at her I cried out, "RACHEL! RACHEL PLEASE JUST BREATH!" The nurse instantly turned to me and tried pushing me out of the room but I was stronger. I watched as the other two got to work.

They pulled these two open looking things attached to the machine. "Charging to 300." On my way! Said while the other rubbed the open thing together then yelled, "CLEAR!" Before pressing it to her chest. Instantly Rachel's abdomen shot up and she convulsed.

The nurse who set up the charge looked at the heart monitor before saying, "no pulse." Hearing that I felt myself falling apart. The nurse was finally able to push me out of the room. As the door closed in front of me I heard it all over again. "Charging to 300."

"CLEAR!" And her body shot up again before the thick wood door closed right in front of my face.

At that moment it felt like my world fell apart. She's dead isn't she. Giving up on everything I leaned against the wall behind me and finally let all my tears spill out. Sliding down the wall I hid my face in my hands and cried and cried and cried.

Honestly I had no idea what to do. All I wanted right now was my mom, so I texted her.

To mom: Rachel is in the hospital. I need you. Room 416.

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