Chapter 11- do the world a favor

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Zach pov:

"Mom I'm gonna go out for a bit and see the guys!" I yelled from the front door to wherever she is in the house.

"Okay be back by dark!" She yelled as I stepped out the door.

It was nice out so I walked to the park. I just need a minute to think before I meet up with the boys.

I don't know what I'm doing anymore. I'm so done hurting Rachel I really don't want to. I know I've got to stop this but I have no fucking clue how.

I kicked at the mulch while sitting on the swing. I want to do the right thing, but I don't want to lose everything because of it. I pulled at my hair everything was becoming to much and I always do the wrong thing.

Letting out a sigh I get up from the swing and sluggishly walk towards Corbyn's house where all the boys were waiting for me. The whole way my mind is running wild.

Knocking on the door all the boys stand in front of me with big smiles on their face. They drag me up to corbyns room and sit around me like girls waiting for me to gossip. All of them sitting on the floor around me waiting for me to talk.

"What?" I asked looking at all of them.

"How terrible was it vacation with the ratchet?" Jack asked.

Good why are these boys dying to know? "It wasn't even bad at all." I replied shrugging my shoulders.

"Really?" They all asked in disbelief.

"Well what other kind of things did you do other than that awesome video?" Jonah asked.

"Nothing much. She's actually pretty cool—"

"Yeah okay Zach." Daniel scoffed.

"No guys I'm serious she is and I want to stop this whole app thing and hurting her. It's terrible and we're torturing her and—" I tried to get out before I was cut off.

"Dude are you serious?" Jonah asked grabbing my shoulder so I was looking into his eyes, "you can't stop dude we have a reputation. Don't tell me you like this girl..."

It was silent for a while as he waited for an answer all the boys exchanging looks. "I'm serious guys I want to stop all of this ok it's not right reputation or not what we're doing is terrible." I said avoiding the question.

They all just sat there looking at me.
"Whatever I'm out of here" I said standing up and storming out of the house. The boys might have tried to call me back but I wasn't listening.

I stormed out of their house with one place in mind.

I know what I want to do and I know what I have to do. I just don't know how to do it.

I knocked on the door waiting in the dark for the door to open. I'm sure my mother will be mad.

Rachel pov:

9:13pm. At 9:13pm someone had the audacity to knock on my door and wake me up after I cried myself to sleep an hour ago.

Rolling out of my bed I stomped down the stairs and angrily threw the door open. And there standing before me was Zach. Thinking back to the last time he was here I screamed and slammed the door close only to have his foot stop it.

Not waiting to see what would happen I ran through my house to my room on the way seeing the door he broke down and picking up my pace.

"Rachel wait I'm just here to talk." He yelled as he chased me up the stairs.

I slammed my bedroom door shut and locked it. I slid down the door trying to catch my breath. It was silent on the other side of the door until I heard a soft knocking.

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