Chapter 25- forgetting

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I can't believe we're already at chapter 25. Personally this story is my favorite ❤️. Please vote for how you want the next chapter to go at the end of this chapter!

Zach pov:

Late. I woke up late and now she's gone. I don't even have any idea where she is or where she was going. I was just gonna show up at the airport and beg her to stay, but now it's noon and she's long gone.

Sitting up pissed I threw the shitty alarm clock on my night stand across my room where it slammed into the wall into 30 pieces. I threw my pillow too. I grabbed at my hair before yelling, "how could you let her get away? How could you do that to her?"

No one has ever effected me so much in my entire life. No one has ever made me such an emotional mess. Why did she do this to me? Why does she make me care? Why did I have to do that to her?

With a huff I got up from my bed and walked through the empty house to the alcohol cabinet. Throwing the doors open I grabbed the first bottle I saw. A bottle of vodka. I opened up the new bottle and took a gulp not waisting my time on a shot glass or cup.

I stomped up the steps to my room drinking the whole way. Throwing myself only bed I was already starting to feel better. Slowly I was forgetting Rachel.

3 days later

My mom says I have anger issues and I need to get my shit together. Well I don't care. Rachel left me so what do I have left. Nothing.

I took my new bottle of fireball with me into the bathroom. The shiny piece of metal in the back of my drawer caught my eye. I grabbed it and turned it around between my fingers.

Rachel does it. I can too. I deserve it I mean after all I put her through I deserve this pain. She did t to herself after everything we did to her.

I pressed the razor against my skin and quickly cut. It hurt it hurt a lot, but I liked that I was hurting. I deserve it.

"You deserve this!" I yelled as I pressed the razor to my skin again. The blood poured from my wrist and into the sink. I just stood there watching it drip.

I set the razor down and picked up the bottle of fireball. And took a long gulp. It burned my throats but the pain was nice. I deserved this I deserve this pain. I just want to forget.

With a sigh I sat down on my bathroom tile floor and stared at nothing. Just thinking. Think of Rachel. My eyes wandered to my now dry wrist and then to my half empty bottle of forgetting. I took another long during and felt my eyes giving heavy so I slumped over onto the cold tile and let sleep take me over.

1 week later

I fixed things with the boys. We hangout all the time now. Mostly ditching school. I haven't been at all this week. I mean what's the point.

"Want a hit?" Corbyn asks coughing out a cloud of smoke.

I look at him then the blunt between his thumb and index finger. This is exactly why Rachel didn't like me hanging out with them. Ughhh Rachel I don't want to think about her.

"Yeah." I said reaching out and grabbing it. I put it up to my lips and took a long drag inhaling deeply.

Instantly this calmness settled over me and Rachel was pushed to the back of my mind. Just what I needed.

I handed the blunt to Daniel and he took a drag then jack. Jonah was gone for some reason. Said he had to back home to visit his grandparents.

"Hey pass me a beer"

Rachel pov:

It's been over a week since I got here. And I fucking hate it... for the most part. I freeze my ass off every single night. Why does it have to be so cold in Minnesota?

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