Chapter 12- my final act

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This one is a little longer than usual but I'm sure you won't mind. Might be triggering again. I hope you guys enjoy it anyway don't forget to like and comment! And if you really like this story share it with your friends!

Waking up I know things are going to be different today I just know. Now everyone knows I tried to attempt suicide and they are all gonna have something to say about it. With a sigh I get up from my bed and walk into my bathroom.

There she is. That weak girl that I can't seem to get rid of. She's even weaker now. Resorting to blades to take her life and listening to what they say. She knows she shouldn't. She knows there opinions shouldn't matter and yet she listens. And because she does she's in the position she is in now; a fragment of who she could be, a cutter, suicidal, depressed, worthless.

A tear slipped down the weak girls face, but she ripped it away quickly. Lifting up her shirt the girls stomach was all sorts of abnormal colors from purple to green and tender to touch. She hissed as she ran her finger across a few new bruises she got yesterday from being tripped and shoved.

If anyone outside of her small world were to look at the girl, like actually look and actually see all the pain she's in and going through well they would probably pick up the phone and call a child abuse hotline real quick probably assuming the bruises are from her family. But what would they do if they saw it was the whole school. They don't have a hotline for that. They couldn't just take her away from her entire school like they would her parents. There's nothing anyone can do. And for the rest of this year and next this would be my life.

Sighing I head to my closet to get dressed. I could care less what I'm wearing today. So obviously I go for sweatpants and a sweatshirt extra baggy. Plus last thing I want is people staring at my arms like they had no idea this was possible. Let's be real we all knew it was coming.

If I'm being honest I don't want to die. Not yet I mean I have so much I still want to do. And I know it will get better and I wanna know what that better feels like, but things are so hard now. I mean I have no one to turn to. And everything becomes so overwhelming it seems like the only escape. So I'm ready to die, I'm not scared of it, I just don't want to not yet.

Sometimes I take a step back and look at my life and wonder how I got here. Knowing now I would have said yes to being Zach's girlfriend when I was six. If I had known back then what my life would be like now I would have said yes in a heartbeat. I still find it hard to believe that that was my ultimate undoing.

Throwing a brush through my hair real quick I run down the steps to finish my homework. You'd think teachers would lay off when you spend the night in the hospital and all but it's likely they won't. Finishing my homework I grab a granola bar and my car keys. The drive to school was agonizing being alone with my thoughts.

It must be my lucky day because the amount of people in the parking lot this morning is scarce. Feeling fine I get out of the car and walk around to the other side to get my backpack. Standing in the doorway I could feel a presence behind me. Turning around I see Zach standing right behind me with both arms up on the car blocking my exit.

"Rachel." He whispered tears filling his eyes but refusing to fall. I was caught off guard to say the least.

"I was so worried" he whispered pulling me into his chest. It was one of those weird hugs where one person does all the hugging while the other one just stands there. My arms stayed limos at my side as he pulled me into him. He pushed his nose into the crook of my neck and I could hear every sniff and shaky breath coming from him. Suddenly snapping out of my shock I step back and he releases his hold on me.

"What are you doing? You don't care?" I asked. He is so bipolar.

"Rachel I never meant for this to happen." He said as he let a tear slip down his cheek.

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