Chapter 7- I have something big planned

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Zach pov:

It's been 3 hours and it's dark out now. I haven't said anything to her since she left the room and I'm really worried. She left and hasn't come back mom said she saw her take off down the beach but that was hours ago.

"Mom I'm gonna go find Rachel!" I yelled  as I closed the door behind me. I should have gone after her a long time ago, but no I've been moping around and only thinking of myself when she is what's important.

I ran towards the beach and the direction mom said she saw her go.

Rachel pov:

I've been sitting here just staring at the water for a long time. I don't really know how long. Long enough for it to be dark and a little colder.  I watched the sun set on the water a while ago.

I was still so upset about everything about the last 11 years. I just sat there watching the waves come and go; wishing I could go with it. 

How could Zach like me and hurt me like that? I just don't get how you could do that to anyone. Idk I just wanna stop thinking about it and I'm not gonna let this ruin my trip.

"Hey are you okay?" Asked a boy that sat down beside me I didn't even notice him.

"I'm fine" I say turning my attention back to the water.

"You sure, you've been staring at the water for like an hour?" He asked. Ughh why won't he just leave me alone I need alone time to think.

"Your asking me if I'm okay? Your the one who watched me watch the water for an hour." I said turning to look at him. I couldn't see much of his face because the only light was moonlight. But from what little light I had I could tell he was cute.

I saw him visibly tense from my comment. "I'm fine" I say so he doesn't torture himself trying to come up with something to say.

"Ok, well me and some friends are going to have a beach bonfire down there", he pointed, "if you want you could come"

I looked at the water and thought about it, "It would keep my mind off Zach. And I know I don't drink but maybe I could forget for a little bit."

"What's your name?" I ask turning and looking at the boy.

"Jacob" he replied simply

"Alright Jacob I'll take you up on your offer"

I saw him smile showing off his pearly whites. He stood up and held out a hand to help me. I placed my small hand in his large one and he pulled me up from the sand and we walked over to the rest of his friends.

We sat down next to each other watching the fire and laughing with his friends.time flew by and I don't even remember much but 3 shots and one beer will do that. I wanted to forget well I did.

That was until Zach came storming up to us and ripped me out of Jacobs arms. He had a tight grip on my arm and was dragging me back towards the hotel. I heard Jacob yell a few times but he didn't really do anything as he was way to wasted.

"Let go of me. I'm having fun with my friends!" I said really emphasizing friends.

"No were going back to the hotel. Your parents are probably worried." He said continuing to drag me through the sand. I got out of his grip and took off running back to the hotel that was until I doubled over and puked everywhere.

"It's okay" Zach cooed as he held my hair and rubbed my back until I was finished.

I rolled over in the sand far from my puke and just laid there. I heard Zach move and lay beside me.

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