Chapter 24-saying goodbye

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"Are you sure it's okay I come stay with you?" I asked hesitantly into the phone.

"Of course you can stay with me! What kind of aunt would I be if I didn't welcome you with wide arms when you needed me?" She said excitedly into the phone. My aunt Katherine is one of the coolest, chilliest women I know. And I love her to pieces. I rarely get to see her though because she lives in Minnesota. But I will be moving there soon so that will no longer be a problem.

"Ok then I will see you tomorrow around 2 at the airport." I said as I paced my room.

"Of course. I'll see you then. I've missed you so much! This is gonna be so fun." She cheered into the phone and a smile formed on my lips.

"Missed you too. Can't wait to see you! Bye." I said hanging up.

I smiled even wider because everything was going to be better soon.

I just hated that I have to say goodbye. I already talked to Jessica this morning she cried, but she understood why I had to leave. We said our goodbyes and promised to keep in touch. She is one of the only people who knows where I am going.

Now it's time for probably the hardest goodbye ever. I got in my car and drove to her house. I knew the drive there so well I could do it in my sleep. Pulling into the driveway I parked my car and turned the engine off. I walked up to the same door I had many times before. I knocked on the door and took a step back waiting for someone to answer.

The door was pulled open slowly and there stood the shell of a boy whose heart I broke yesterday. His eyes were filled with so much hurt until they came to recognize me. Slowly his whole face morphed into happiness. He stepped out of the doorway and towards me with his arms open wide. It was so quick I didn't even have time to react.

"I'm so glad you changed your mind." He said before he quickly pulled me in and smashed his lips onto mine. I just stood there eyes wide open completely stiff while he tried to make out with me. I put my hands on his chest and pulled my neck as far back as possible to release my lips from his.

When I got free he looked at me confused, "that's not what this is..." I looked down at my hands, "I just came to say goodbye... to Reese."

As if on cue the sweetest little girl appeared behind Zach with a big smile on her face, "Rachel!" She yelled and ran to me and wrapped her arms around my waist giving me a hug.

"Hey Reese!" I said trying to sound enthusiastic, but failing miserably because I knew at the end of the day this would be it.

"What do you want to do today? Anything. You name it and we do it." I said with a smile as she looked up to me.

"Lets go to Main event!" She yelled jumping up and down. (Main event is an arcade, bowling and laser tag place all in one. It's a cool place.)

"Whatever you want." I smiled down at her.

"Can Zach and Ryan come?" She asked tugging at the bottom of my shirt. I looked up wearily at Zach and his sad eyes had returned and then back to Reese. "If that's what you want." I said giving a small smile. In the end this was for Reese so if she wanted Zach there then he could come.

She smiled and ran back inside to get Ryan. I looked up at Zach and he was already staring at me. "Your sure it's okay for me to come?" He asked timidly. I thought about it and just nod my head that it was okay.

We just stood there in akaward silence waiting for Reese and Ryan. Thankfully they didn't take much longer. Everyone piled into my car. I turned the radio up loud and we all sang to what played on the radio. For a few minutes it was like everything was fine I wasn't leaving and Zach didn't cheat. But then those reminders appeared in my mind and my mood quickly changed.

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