Chapter 21- please don't leave me

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I gripped the sink so hard my knuckles started turning white. I took a deep breath and splashed water on my face. I looked up at the girl in front of me; she was no longer the weak girl instead she was replaced with me.

"You can do this." I told her firmly, "nothing bad is gonna happen. Your bully is now your boyfriend." I said giving a nervous smile. God that sounds so fucked up.

I pulled away from the mirror and went to my closet instead. I pulled out the nicest clothes I had and brushed my hair.

Sticking with routine I grabbed a granola bar and headed for my car parked outside. Throwing the bag in the back seat and walking around to the drivers side door.

I was just about to step in when a hand came out of no where and took hold of my car door. "Where do you think your going." He said huskily his breath fanning the back of my neck. Instantly fear shot through every part of me. I was so terrified I couldn't move or speak.

Before I knew it he had my wrist and spun around. Before I could even make out who it was he said, "it's just me, relax" through his laugher. Zach.

"Oh god you scared me" I said taking a deep breath and putting my hand to my chest. He laughed and kissed my forehead.

"I said I was taking you to school today." He said pulling me away from my car. I grabbed my bag and we got in his car and made our way to school.

Pulling into the parking lot we just sat there staring at the school. We looked at each other then back at the school. "Are you nervous?" He asked staring at the school the whole time. I nod my head even though he wasn't looking at me. "Me too" he whispered as he slipped his hand into mine intertwining our fingers.

We sat there a few more minutes just staring at the high school. Letting out a deep breath I open my door. "Wait." Zach said reaching over me and closing my door. I looked at him.

"Zach we can't sit in here forever. School starts soon." I said giving him a questioning look.

He opened his door and ran around to my side to open it for me. I gave him a small smile and got out. As soon as I stepped out of the car people stopped talking and stared.

As we started walking towards the building together not even holding hands people started to whisper. People huddled into groups spoke then looked at us gen spoke again. The whole way in eyes were on us. This isn't what I wanted.

I stopped in front of my locker with Zach facing me. "I need to use the restroom I'll meet you in class." I said.

He gave me a small smile and leaned in to kiss me but I quickly dodged. He pulled away and looked at me sad. "Please don't do this. Don't act like we aren't a thing because of everyone around us." He said, you could hear the disappointment in his voice.

I looked at the ground, "in not" I said before meeting his eye, "I just don't like pda. That's all I promise.

He nod his head, but I think he knew I was lying. Without another word he walked away to our first class. I opened the same locker I've had for the past 3 years. I put my things in it and shit the door to it. Looking at the paint you could tell it was caked on. I can still remember everything ever scratched, written, or painted on it. With a sigh I shut it and walk away

I wasn't lying I really did need to go to the bathroom so I went there first. Luckily no one was in there so I didn't have to make awkward eye contact when I first walk in. I went straight for a stall to do what I came here for.

Flushing the toilet I went to open the stall but the sound of multiple girls walking in made me retract my hand.

"Damn I can't believe her." One of them said.

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