Chapter 2 - we dont make pretty girls pay

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I step in the doorway of my home to an unsurprising empty house. My parents are hardly ever home as they are to busy with their job of taking pictures for National Geographic. They're really lucky if you ask me and I wish I could join them on their trips around the world, but no apparently I am 'mature enough to stay here alone'. I take in a deep breathe and roll my eyes at the thought of their words. Letting out my sigh I walk deeper into my empty home.

I let out a 'hmph' as I land on the couch a little harder than anticipated. I just lie there for a few minutes in the dead silence staring at the plain white ceiling and willing my body to heal and get better. After a few minutes I slip out of my trance and sit more comfortably on the couch. I raise my phone up to my face to look at the time and it reads: 9:08 am. I still have a whole day of nothing to do. As if on cue my phone starts blowing up from the app apparently people were talking all over the hate page.

I swipe right across the screen and unlock my phone to read what they were saying. Only for the purpose of torturing myself.


Hannah: don't even freaking bring it up! How about you don't do that shit again. That bitch almost got her blood all over my brand new shoes.

Corbyn: yikes you would have gotten aids

I look away from my phone tears stinging my eyes begging to fall. I would let them but I never shed a tear for what they do to me and I never shed a tear for my pathetic self because it would be a waist of a cry and would ultimately change nothing.  How could they think I have aids? I've never even slept with anyone and yes I know that's not the only way to get aids but still. I will always be a walking plague to them.

Zach: sorry no can do a point is a point. And your shoes well they're just shoes.

"So are the points!" I scream at my phone "they are just points!"

Daniel: Jesus Zach can't you just take a break so a few of us can catch up to you.

Zach: hell no! Where is the fun in that!

Ughhh he literally enjoys my pain. God what is so fucked up with the people in this world today?

Jack: bro 😂😂😂 when she broke her chair in class and then ran out of the class


Jonah: I'm pretty sure everyone knows what happened 1)it was so funny and 2) the entire fucking school shook beneath her fall

Chase: he's right! I could feel it in the next hallway over!

Zach: so pathetic she should just kill herself.

I turn my phone off in frustration not wanting to torture myself any more. I roll my eyes and snuggle into the couch. I turn on the tv and go to Netflix. I search a good 5 minutes and finally decide upon 10 things I hate about you. I watch intently wishing I had a love life. With my life that would never be possible I'm damaged goods and Zach has made sure no one would ever want me.

I sigh as the movie comes to an end. I look at the time again and it's now 10:42. I still have a whole day ahead of me to do nothing. There are a few more messages on my phone from the hate page on me but I don't bother to read it, but I did notice that Jack, Zach, Daniel, Corbyn, and Jonah all got +40 points for their prank this morning.

I get up and make my way to my room. I head straight for the bathroom. It's time for my daily ritual. That's right adding to the scars on my body: cutting. I've done it for 2 years now. It's like a relief of pain to cause my self pain. I can't really explain it.

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