Chapter 4-fighting back

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"You can do this! Just 2 more days then it's spring break! You can do this!" I yelled at the weak girl looking back at me in the mirror trying to boost her confidence to go to school. If only it worked. I let out a sigh and turned away from the weak girl knowing it was useless. Today everyone was gonna try and get a few hits in since it's all they will get before break.

I dragged myself downstairs and into the kitchen. I grabbed a granola bar and headed for my car. Off to my final resting place just kidding it's school well it's basically the same thing.

I pulled in and already waiting were the 5 boys by the jeep from last night. I hoped out of my car slightly hiding from their view I don't think they had spotted me yet. I ducked and weaved in between cars staying low and out of sight or so I thought.

"Well well well. Are you trying to hide from me?" Zach said as he put his hand up against the car blocking me from safety. No I shook my head to scared to open my mouth.

"Funny it didn't look like it." Zach replied a bit of an angry tone in his voice, "you know you have to pay for what you did yesterday punching me and almost getting me arrested for murder." My eyes darted to his in fear. I shuffled away from him.

Is he serious 'almost getting me arrested for murder'? If I committed suicide he would still be a murderer he drove me to that point.

I walked away from him, but I knew he'd be back because he's thirsty for revenge. I got about a car away before his hand was on my shoulder tightly pulling me back around and slamming my back into the car behind me. He stepped closer anger flooded his face "stop pulling stunts or we won't hold back at all!" He said foaming at the mouth. When have they ever held back? I just nod my head and keep my eyes on the ground.

"Follow me then" he said with a smirk. I did as he said because I didn't want anymore trouble. I held my head low as I followed Zach between cars to the jeep where the rest of the boys were. Jack and Daniel were sitting on the hood while Jonah and Corbyn were leaning on the car in front of it facing the other boys talking. Zach stood between the boys and said "let's go". All the boys immediately pushed off the cars and followed behind Zach with me in the middle. I looked to my right and made eye contact with Jack he gave me a smirk and then popped all of his knuckles. I took a small side step away from him but continued following Zach.

We stopped at the same old spot as always. Behind the school next to the dumpsters. I just stood still as they circled me like vultures. Out of no where they all pounce hitting, kicking, punching all the while yelling out how many points they were getting. It's unbelievable that my life is just a game to them. I laid there still waiting for them to finish beating me. After so long I learned that it is much easier to just lay there still then try and fight back.

They laughed as they hit me. They even took turns seizing who could punch the hardest two would hold my arms back while they took turns napping me in the stomach. I hunched over gasping for air. Strange because I wanted more than anything to stop breathing. Breathing alone became so painful; that's right what comes naturally to everyone now pains me to do and not just because my lungs are enflamed and have taken some punches but because I want nothing more than to stop breathing and each breathe I take means I'm still alive and I don't want to live, not like this. I was so lost in trying to catch my breath I didn't even see they were done and about to walk away. I was really struggling to catch my breath. I rolled over on all four and started coughing. When I pulled my hand away from my mouth I stared at the blood sitting in my palm.

I looked up and my eyes connected with Zachs . He looked from my eyes to my hand and terror was visible on his face. Strange he's never looked like that before. He quickly masked it and spat at the ground next to me before walking away with the four other boys. I laid there a little while longer regaining my composure. I'm just happy they didn't throw me in the trash today.

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