Chapter 31- regret?

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Rachel pov:

I woke up to a tightening around my waist. Through the sleep in my eyes I saw an arm rested on my stomach pulling me closer to their body. I blinked a few times to see better.

"Oh my god why am I naked? Oh my god whoever is next to me is naked. Oh my god I had sex last night!" I was screaming in my head as my breathing quickened along with my heart rate.

I reached up and dragged my right hand through my hair, "how could I be so stupid? I always wanted to wait." I thought again. My eyes darted back and forth across my ceiling looking for the answers. Deciding I wouldn't find them their I looked up from the chest my cheek was pressed against.

Zach. I love him, I do, but sex I can't believe I did that. The feeling inside of me right now I think, I think is regret?

Feeling disgusting I pulled Zach's arm off of me and walked into the bathroom. Looking in the mirror I almost didn't recognize the girl looking back. I immediately looked away from her maybe because I was ashamed. Ashamed that she went against her morals.

I turned on the shower to scorching hot water. I let the steam fill the bathroom before I stepped in. The water burned my back and shoulders. It hurt but I quickly became accustomed to it. I washed my hair twice and scrubbed my body twice too.

Stepping out I threw on a towel and walked into my room.

"Why are you so red?" Zach said standing up from my bed and walking towards me thankfully he had boxers on. It was the first time I looked down at my body. And sure enough I was as red as a lobster.

He put a hand on each of one of my red shoulders and made a face, "you're so warm. How hot was the water?" He asked concerned.

"I like a hot shower." I said shrugging my shoulders. I walked to my closet and shut the door.

I threw on some sweats and walked out of my closet and straight out of my room downstairs to the kitchen.

I got out a bowl milk and cereal before Zach appeared in front of me. "Did I do something wrong? Was it the se—" he said with worry before I cut him off.

"No. It's not that." I said defensively.

"Then why are you acting like this?" He asked wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I just have a lot on my mind. It's not you I promise." I said laying my head against his shoulder. It's true I'm not mad at him, I'm mad at myself. To be honest the sex was good really good and I hated that I liked it.

Zach hugged me tighter, "so we're good?" He whispered.

I pulled my head from his shoulder and smiled at him, "of course we're good."

He smiled back and kissed my forehead.

"Breakfast?" I asked when he pulled his lips away. He smiled and nodded before letting go and grabbing a bowl too.

When we were sat down at the table and eating our cereal Zach spoke up, " me and the boys have a gig tonight at a local hangout and I was wondering if you want to come? I mean it's not a big deal if you can't" He said shrugging and avoiding eye contact, "but it would be cool if you could."

I sat my spoon down in the bowl and reached out for his hand, "of course I will be there."

He looked up and smiled. "Good my whole family is going and now my girl is too."

I blushed at the words 'my girl'

We spent the rest of the morning cuddling on the couch until he had to go home and change for his gig. I swear he changed like 6 times and I would know because he face timed me freaking out about what he should wear.

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