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I slowly walked towards the bus stop. I quickly noticed the bus was there, my feet began to pick up. I hopped onto the bus, sitting down in an empty seat as I looked on my phone.

No missed calls, no texts from Chris. Did he not care?

Wanna meet me at the school?

What for?

I don't know.
Don't wanna be alone.
Chris and I had an argument.

Seriously? About what?

Some stupid shit!
Work. I'm never there
for him and he deserves
better than that.

Don't be so hard on yourself Aria.

Thanks dude

Haha, no problem!

So wanna meet me at school?

I wish I could :(
I have to write this huge
article for journalism!

Oh it's okay.
Good luck!

You too boo!

I locked my phone and held it in my hand, looking out the window of the bus as we passed so many spots I was familiar with.

That coffee shop where Chris and I had a small argument, "It just doesn't seem right!" I groaned, pulling my hand out of his. "When theres a problem you don't just go around smashing glasses over people's heads. You talk! Resolve it! You don't fight! That's no solution!"

"Well thats the solution we used. " Chris shrugged. "So what're you gunna do if they come back for you guys? You got hurt once, it could happen again! Don't you realize that!"

"It's going to be fine Aria. I'll be fine." Chris chuckled at how worried I was. "It's not funny. You getting killed is not funny." I said sternly, I grabbed my phone and stood up from the table and began walking home.


"Chris. I don't want you to get killed!" I yelled, tears threatening to spill from my eyes. I won't get killed." Chris said softly, grabbing me and holding me in his arms.

"Please stay out of it. Please. I don't want you getting hurt over something as stupid as your groups pride." I said, lightly laughing.

"I'll stay out of it. I promise. I love you Aria. Okay?"

     I let out a deep sigh, maybe I should go home. We've gotten into arguments before and we've resolved it. I need him, I just gotta stop acting so stubborn.

Before I could make up my mind, the bus came to a stop, "Nissen High!" The bus driver called out. I stood up and walked out of the bus, I looked up at the school before walking inside.

I had to take multiple flights of stairs to get up to floor where my photography class was. Once I reached my classroom I slowly set all my things down on a table. I began to search for the film but decided I'd set everything else up in the darkroom first.

I walked over to the spinning door and entered. I quickly spun the door around me, but when it opened, I wasn't surrounded by darkness. I was surrounded by the dim light of candles.



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