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c h r i s

"Okay! I have this really cool idea! Are you ready?" Aria asked excitedly as she looked down at me. I sighed a little, sitting up so my head was no longer in her lap, "Whats up?"

"I think.. that.. we should not have sex until after the wedding!" Aria happily suggested. I furrowed my brows, "What?" I questioned. Aria smiled a little, "Come on, I think it'd be fun."

I pouted, "Fun?" Aria chuckled as she placed a kiss on my lips quickly, "Well, I think it'd be the day more special. You know?"

I sighed, "If that's what you want." Aria laughed, leaning in and attaching her lips with mine. I quickly kissed her back and filled her face in my hands. Our lips moved in sync, but Aria pulled away. I leaned towards her and pressed a kisses on her neck. Aria groaned, "Okay, but after this we wait." She stated sternly. I pulled away from her neck and pressed my lips harshly against hers.

"You're lucky you're so good looking." Aria commented, her lips brushing against mine as she spoke. I chuckled a little, "I love you Aria."

     "Your phone's buzzing." Aria commented, her arms wrapped around me. Her head nuzzled into my chest. I sighed, "Ignore it."

Aria chuckled, unlatching her arms and leaning over me to grab my phone off the bedside table. I wrapped my arms around her, "No! No! No! Leave it! It's just us!" Aria giggled a little bit still managed to grab my phone. She rested back into my chest and handed me my phone. My arms were still wrapped around her but, I was checking my phone which I held behind her.

Isak Valtersen started a chat with you, Juliet Esposito, William Magnusson & Noora Sætre!

Hey friends, wanna go do something?

Noora and I say yeah

Cool! Couples!

Isak named the chat: #I et forhold

What about Vilde and Magnus?

Nei! I love them together but..

     "Hand me my phone, love?" Aria asked softly. I hummed a little bit, reaching behind me and grabbing it. I handed it to her and wrapped my arms around her again.

They'd make out the entire time. I mean, we all do that but, not in public. I really do love them together though.

In front of my salad?

I almost dropped my croissant



Oh, we're down to go

Cool. You guys wanna come over to the apartment? We could make dinner? Well, by "we" I mean Even

Yeah, sure! When?

Like half an hour?

Sounds good man

Okay! See you guys soon!

     "Ooh!" Aria giggled excitedly, "I'm so happy! Date night baby!" She cheered. I laughed a little, "We go on dates."

"I know! But, not typically with other couples. Just Noora and William." Aria explained. I smiled down at her, "Hey, if we leave early we can go pick up some wine or something?" I suggested.

"I knew I said yes to marrying you for a reason!"

     "Holy shit this wine is good!" Even said with a laugh, covering his mouth with his hand, "Where did you get this?"

"I don't know. We went to the store and asked for some good wine. This is what she got us." I shrugged. "Okay guys, the food looks cool so so think we can eat it now without burning our tongues." Isak stated.

We all began to eat the pasta Even had made, and it was pretty damn good. "Wow, didn't know you were a chef." Aria commented, laughing a little. Noora nodded in agreement, "Seriously, we should totally do this more!"

"Thanks guys." Isak spoke happily. Even laughed and threw his arm around his boyfriend, "Yeah, good job Isak. I'm proud of you." Isak smiled up at Even.

William laughed, "This is a really good time."

We all agreed, it was a good time. Maybe because we all knew what we were doing. We knew who we were. Everything we needed was in front of us.

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