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c h r i s

"Chris?" Aria spoke softly, her face being lit by the candles. A smile formed on her face as she carefully walked towards me. "Hey." I said with a light chuckle, stuffing my hands into my pockets.

Aria chuckled a little in return, "What are you doing here Chris?" I shrugged a little, "I couldn't hangout with our friends knowing you were pissed at me. It was eating me up."

"I'm not mad at you Chris, I love you." Aria stated, her eyes gazing into mine, "I can't stay mad at you." I bit down on my bottom lip, "I'm sorry. You know, for being an idiot. Maybe it's because of how much I love you. It just turns me into a- like I said, idiot."

Aria laughed a little, trailing closer to me, "You're not at idiot. You're just in love. With me." Aria spoke cockily. I laughed at her, "You hit it right on the head."

"I love you." Aria said breathily, she let out a small laugh as she shook her head at me. I smiled, "I love you Aria and.. I want to spend the rest of my life with you." I bluntly stated.

Aria furrowed her brows together, stopping in her tracks, "What?" I kneeled down on one knee, pulling the ring out of my pocket and holding it in my hand, however it was still hidden from Aria.

"What are you doing?" Aria asked, laughing a little, she knew exactly what I was doing. I licked my lips and smiled up at her, "We get into arguments and fight but we always resolve it. Because we're in love, whether you like it or not, I'm in love with you Aria Lucia Esposito. I can't imagine a life without you, hell, I don't want to. Will you do me the honor.." I started as I pulled the ring in front of me, "and be my wife?"

Tears spilled from Aria's eyes, "Hell Yes!" She cheered excitedly. I stood up and placed the ring on her finger before smashing my lips against hers. Aria laughed in the kiss before pulling away once she heard the sound of an applause.

She chuckled as she looked around at all our friends. Aria turned to me and pressed her lips against mine, water began to trickle down our faces, we looked away to see that the sprinklers had went off, putting out all the candles.

Aria and I laughed in unison, she threw her arms around my neck and I pulled her closer to me. I pulled away and looked down at Aria who was cheekily smiling.

"Aria Lucia Schistad.. doesn't sound too bad."

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