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c h r i s

What am I supposed to say? Am I supposed to stand up there in front of all those people and just confess my undying love for her? I mean— I do. I love her. Always will. There's no doubt about that. It's just a little weird to share your relationship with so many people. Cause I feel like it's yours. Your story is between you two and like every good story, it dies with you. In that way, it's special for you. I don't need other people to know how much I love Aria for her to know. Right?

Aria, I have loved you from the moment I saw you.

Eh, not completely true. When I first saw her, I was buzzed. And just wanted a meaningless hookup. Which, I didn't get, and that kinda pissed me off. So then I chased her. Cause I thought, Fucking hell I'm Penetrator Chris. I get whatever the fuck I want.

Little did I know, I was actually going to fall head over heels for her. On accident. It was a complete accident. I didn't mean to. If it were up to old me, I would've stayed far away if I knew that I'd fall in love with her. Cause I didn't think I needed to be in love. That I wanted that. But apparently I did. And quite bad too.

What the fuck do I say? Aria Lucia Esposito, I've never— oh that sounds really dumb.

I grabbed my phone from the beside table.

Dude, I am having a crisis.

Oh god. Not this again.

I can't think of my vows.
What am I supposed to say?
Everything I've written sounds dumb.

What have you written?

I already threw that shit away.

Well then we're back to ground zero.

Can we do a handoff?

What do you mean?

I'm pretty sure Aria is struggling just as much as I am. I say you drive over here and take me with you, then Noora stays with Aria. Deal?

I'll run it by Noora.


Okay she's down. Be there in 15?

Sounds good.

[short ik but ch.40 is gonna be great]

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