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"Hey, do you know where my charger is?" I asked Chris from the bedroom. I walked out into the living room to see Chris sitting in the couch, "Oh, I left it on the kitchen counter. Sorry. I used it when I was making that French toast. My phone was gonna die and I needed the recipe."

I laughed a little, "You don't have to explain yourself, babe." I walked towards the kitchen and grabbed my charger and plugged it into the wall, plugging my phone into it.

I walked over to the couch where Chris was sitting, working on his laptop. I rested my head on Chris' shoulder, looking down at the computer screen.

"What're you looking at?" I asked him. Chris shrugged lightly, "A job."

"What for?" I questioned. Chris sighed, "I feel bad, you have a job and I don't." I chuckled, "I don't have a job. I have a hobby."

"That you get payed for." Chris explained. I raised a brow, "Chris, you don't have to. I mean- I don't want you to end up doing something you don't want. I mean- we're doing fine financially!"

Chris shrugged once more, "I just want to pay you back, give you a break." I shook my head at him, "You pay me back every day, just by being my boyfriend- or soon to be husband."

Chris smiled widely, leaning over and pecking my lips. I laughed against his lips. We pulled away, "What do you wanna do?"

"Right now?" He asked. I shook my head, "For a living."

Chris sighed, "Ive wanted to go the military since I was a boy, but I can't now. I mean, I have you and if I left you, I'd lose my mind. I love you too much and I can't leave you."

My heart fluttered, "You can't just give up your dream for me." I stated, slightly sad. Chris bit down on his bottom lip, "My Dream is to marry you. It changed when we started dating."

"Chris-" I began but he cut me off. Chris shook his head, "I love you. That's what matters. I don't wanna leave anymore. I can't."

I smiled at Chris, running my hand through hair. I let out a deep breathe, "God, I love you."

Chris chuckled, "I love you too, Aria."

There was a knock on the door. We both turned to the door then back to each other. Chris furrowed his brows, "Who is that?"

I shrugged, standing up and walking to the door. I opened it to see Noora. I smiled, "Hey, What're you doing here?"

Noora smiled softly, "Can I come in?" I nodded, walking back to the couch with Noora following me.

"Okay, So.. I know you guys are in the process of planning. But, Williams birthday is on the 10th and I want his party to be amazing." Noora spoke enthusiastically. Chris and I chuckled. Chris smiled at Noora, "Of course we can Noora."

"What have you got in mind?"

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