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[ chapter forty will be the wedding!
so, get ready y'all!]

a r i a

     "No! Don't go!" Chris whined, wrapping her arms around my torso and pulling me back into his chest. I laughed, "Chris! Our wedding is in a few weeks and we still have things to do." I informed the boy.

Chris furrowed his brows together, looked down at me. He smirked, cockily, "Like what?" I'd hate to admit it, but it was a good look. That cocky grin. He could've lured me in and got me to stay with him in bed all day. But we really did have things to do.

"Like-" I began to think. Checking off a list in my head. "Our vows." I spoke, "We've been so busy planning everything else that we didn't even think about the most important part!" I spoke dramatically.

Chris laughed at me, pressing a million kisses to my cheeks. I laughed loudly, pushing the boy away, "I'm serious! Now choose a room."

"Choose a room?" Chris asked. I nodded, "Pick a room to write your vows in. We can't be in the same room. You're too distracting."

He wiggles his brows suggestively, smirking. I rolled my eyes at him. Chris laughed, quickly pecking my lips. I kissed the boy back, but pulled away, "Choose, Schistad." I commanded him.

Chris sighed, "Okay. I choose the bedroom." He spoke, shrugging.

I grinned, "Cool. Then I get the kitchen." I spoke cockily. Chris groaned, "Damnit!" He hissed.

"Well, I'll see ya'" I spoke, rolling out of Chris' arms and getting off the bed. "Oh! My phone." I remembered, reaching down and grabbing it.

I began to walk towards the door, but stopped when I heard Chris. "Wait, you forgot one more thing!" Chris stopped me. I raised a brow.

"A kiss." Chris spoke, wiggling his brows. I shook my head at the boy, he's lucky he's so damn cute. I quickly pecked his lips, "Now I'm leaving."

"Oh, don't go!"

What am I supposed to write about Chris? I feel like there's nothing I could say to summarize our relationship. There's no words. At least, nothing I can think of.

Chris, from the moment we met, I knew you were the one. No. That's definitely not true. At all. When I first met Chris, I hated his guts.

" Aria. " I introduced myself. " Christoffer. " he smiled, " What's a pretty girl doing alone at a party? "

" Chrisoffer? Where do I know it from? " I asked, totally dismissing his question. " Chris Schistad. " he told me.

" Ahh, Chris Schistad. The biggest fuckboy at Nissan. " I added. " In the flesh. " he winked.

Yeah, no. Hated his guts with a passion. No love in that scenario. It's okay to lie right? Oh- not in front of God! This is going to be difficult, isn't it.

How about... Chris, you've always made me happier than I could ever imagine. There are no low points when we're together. Also, that hasn't been true till recently.

" Aria. I'm so sorry. I can't believe what I just did. I'm so stupid. " Chris continued to ramble, " Why aren't you yelling at me? " He asked.

I stopped walking and turned to him, " Sorry, What were you saying. Christoffer. " I continued walked and he kept up with my pace, " Aria please. Don't say that. "

I continued to ignore him for the rest of the walk home, and after what seemed like forever I was finally outside my building. " So you're just going to ignore me? " Christoffer asked, that's right, he's Christoffer again.

" Yep. " I nodded. " We're done? " He asked. I nodded, and I left him alone as I walked into my building and up to my apartment.

To be fair, we weren't dating then. But what about that other time?

" I know you cheated on me! " I now was out of the bed and was pointing my finger at him in accusation.

" What? Where the hell did you hear that Aria? Who the fuck told you? " He yelled back at me, stepping closer to me.

" So you aren't denying it then? " I fired back, folding my arms at the boy in front of me. The boy I love, do I even love him anymore? After all this? " Don't be a coward! " I yelled, getting irritated by his sudden silence.

He clenched his jaw, " Well? What do you want Aria! What do you want me to say! Huh? "

" I want you to admit it. " I said softly, " Just say what you did. " He shook his head, not wanting to do it. He took a deep breathe and stared at the floor, " I- I cheated on you Aria.. "

I let out a laugh, " Fuck you. "

" That's it, that's all you have to say? " Christoffer asked angrily. " No actually. " I folded my arms and walked towards hims, " Get the fuck out of my apartment. "

" Excuse me? I live here too. "

" Not anymore you don't. " I scoffed, " Get out. You have two days to get your shit. Then, I don't want to see your goddamn face ever again. Not in a week, a month, a year, not for the rest of my life. "

" So we're done? Just like that? Its over? "

He didn't cheat on me then. But, we have gone through some shit. Hasn't everyone? And we wouldn't be here without going through that shit. Right? That's how I finally told him I loved him. Going through some bullshit before.

" Can I ask you something? " Christoffer asked, " Why do you hate me so much? "

" I'm not going to- " I started. " Answer it. What do you hate about me? " He demanded.

" I hate the things you do to make me feel this way about you. I hate the way you had to fuck everything up between us. What I hate most is I don't even hate you, not at all. Not even a little. " I signed, tears forming in my arms.

Christoffer wrapped his arms around me. I pulled away, " I- do. I love you. "

" I love you too Aria. I'm so fucking in love with you. "

I guess that's whole point, you have to go throw the lows to get to the highs. Things can't always be great or always be bad. It's just all over the place.

Holy shit, what am I gonna say in front of all those people? I always thought out story was ours and nobody else's. And why would I need to share it? And what if people don't get it. Cause you can only truly get what we've been through if you've lived it.

And it's been a hell of a ride.

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