Chapter One

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Okay so this is my first ever fanfic! I have read a couple of the stories already on Wattpad and I was 'inspired' to write one of my own.

I welcome any feedback about my writing skills as long as it isn't too mean :(

I will upload about five (???) chapters just so the story can actually get going. If there are at least a few readers I will upload a few more. I have actually been writing this way before I actaully got to upload this so there are more chapters just waiting, waiting, waiting to be read so please, tell me if you have read this and like it and I will upload more.

Excuse any bad language :/ I just can't help myself...

Ellie :) xx

Chapter One

My name is Alice McGreggor. I am 17 and I live in London. This is the story of how I met my Harry.

“NO ALICE!” Ned screamed at me, “Keep your lying, cheating, skanky ass away from me, we are through!”

We were in the middle of a sidewalk. People were staring as Ned raised his voice.

“Just leave already!” He yelled at me. I could feel tears starting to well up in my eyes.

“Oh and now you’re trying to make me feel sorry for you,” he said, his voice thick with sarcasm.

“Ned please don’t do this,” I pleaded. “I didn’t cheat! I don’t know where those rumors about me and Ben came from! I swear, we are just friends. We’ve been friends for a long time… Why are you doing this?” I could feel the volume of my voice getting louder with each word I spoke. I hadn’t cheated. Some bitch had obviously seen me and Ben talking and made stupid assumptions.

“Forget it, Alice”, he spat out. The hate in his voice was so obvious, I couldn’t help but let a few tears escape. I wiped them away quickly.

“Neddy, I…”

“I SAID FORGET IT!” he snarled. I was broken. Ned and I had been going out for almost two years. Two years! We had had some fights but we had made up almost instantly every time. That was just the way it worked with Ned and I. But apparently my innocent conversation with childhood friend Ben was completely unforgivable. Ned had never looked at me with such hate in his eyes before. This fight was different. A sob broke out from the back of my throat.

“You’re pathetic, you know that right?” Ned sneered at me. He started to turn away.

“Ned, no! You can’t leave me!” Another sob broke free. Ned just shook his head sadly at me.

“Sorry Alice, but the show’s over for us.” Ned turned and started to walk away. I was blinded by my tears as I stumbled over to the nearest café, plonking down at one of the outside tables. My sadness got the better of me finally and I broke down, tears streaming down my face.

Ned had left. I knew there was no hope of us getting back together. Today had been different. I don’t know why he had thought I had cheated on him with Ben. I mean I sometimes sat with him at lunch, but we would only chat. Nothing more had ever happened. Ned had just got the wrong idea stuck into his head. I would never, ever cheat on Ned and he knew that. I don’t know why he suddenly hated me for talking to someone! The tears continued to roll down my face.

“Hey, um, are you alright?”

I looked up wiping the tears away from under my eyes and I swear I stopped breathing. In front of me was the most gorgeous guy I have EVER seen and that is really saying something considering I had been going out with ‘bucketful of cuteness’ Ned a minute ago. He had thick, styled brown curls that framed his face, beautiful, green eyes and skin that had a summery glow to it even though it was a crisp autumn afternoon. But it wasn’t his looks that made me stop and stare at this new-comer. It was the fact that I had seen his face many times before. I was looking into the eyes of Harry Styles.

He looked uncomfortable as I stared open-mouthed at him. I just couldn’t help myself. I was actually looking at the real Harry Styles. Part of the best band in the history of the world!

“Sorry, it’s just you… seemed you know, like you were sad… I mean you obviously are but… you know… I was just wondering if you wanted company or something… but if not, well… I’d best be on my way”, he stammered, shifting uncomfortably beneath my gaze. He started to turn away before…

“No, no! You can stay, I didn’t mean to act so rude! Please have a seat if you like!” I said, wiping my eyes again. I knew I must look terrible. What a way to meet Harry Styles! I groaned to myself.

He gave me a small smile and sat down on the chair opposite me. He really was attractive but as soon as I thought this, I flushed and looked away, feeling guilty about just breaking up with Ned and already feeling attracted to other guys. What was I thinking?

“My name’s Harry.”

I cannot believe he thought he needed to introduce himself. I definitely already know who he is.

“I’m Alice.” I replied, returning his meek smile.

“I, uh, kind of overheard your fight with your boyfriend back there…” he said running his fingers through his curls. “I’m really sorry about that. You know, if you wanted to talk about it, I wouldn’t mind listening, I am having a day off…” He trailed off obviously expecting an answer of some kind.

“Oh, um,” I stuttered. “You don’t have to listen to me rambling on while you’re having a day off…”

“Oh… okay then”, he mumbled, looking away. We fell into the most awkward silence I think I have ever been a part of. I’m usually quite a bubbly girl, cracking jokes left, right and centre but when it comes to HARRY STYLES… well that’s a completely different story.

He cleared his throat and looked back at me.

“Well… if you’re okay now then… I um, had better be off…” he said. Holy shit, this is so awkward!

“Okay…” I replied. Crap Alice! Think of something that will break the tension!

“It was nice meeting you.” he said standing up. I followed his actions and also stood. He held out his hand, waiting for me to shake it. I reached for his hand, and grasped it.

“It was nice meeting you too.” It sounded more like a question than anything else. I really needed to break the ice hanging between us before he left. I was thinking extremely hard about what I could do when… I tripped over the leg of the chair I had just been sitting on and nearly fell. But a strong arm caught me before I crashed to the ground. I looked up to see Harry staring down at me, his arm wrapped around me as he helped me regain my balance. A smile started to form on his lips.

I couldn’t help it, I burst out laughing.

"Ladies and gentlemen! She cries about breakups in public, she puts people in extremely awkward situations and she nearly falls over and embarrasses herself completely. I give you Alice McGreggor!" Another laugh escaped my mouth and I heard Harry give a small chuckle.

“Well, Alice. I suppose this is goodbye.” Harry smiled widely at me and then, oh my god, he bent over in a deep bow. Another laugh escaped both of us. Then he straightened up again and we both stood there grinning at each other. I looked away embarrassed, a small blush covering my cheeks.

“I hope we meet again, Alice”, he said, smiling and then turned to walk away.

“Oh wait!” he suddenly said turning and walking back to me. “You wouldn’t happen to need a lift home would you?”

I think I just died and went to heaven.

 Pic on the side of the amazing Harry Styles ;)


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