Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

“Come on,” Harry said from beside me. I didn’t want to go into the house. We were parked on the driveway of this amazing, modern house. It was the loft the boys shared. All the boys were meant to be inside and, I’ll admit, I was so nervous about meeting them. In a good way of course.

“I’m scared though!” I moaned back. “Do you know how nerve racking it is waiting to meet your bloody idols? I didn’t think so.”

“You’ll be fine. I’ve told them to be nice and not be too bantering too soon. Seriously, it will all be okay. Now come on. They will all be tearing their hair out now, thinking that we’re not coming. They all really want to meet you.”

“Okay.” I said getting out of the silver Audi. The only reason I actually managed to walk to the front door was because Harry had a tight grip on my hand and because I wanted to save their hair. I couldn’t be the reason for them going bald, now could I?

“Here we are then,” Harry said opening the black door. I looked inside but I could only see a short corridor with a few doors leading off to the side. The end of the corridor opened up into a foyer with a huge staircase. I walked into the house so that I was standing in the middle of the foyer. Suddenly I heard a shout from one of the rooms.

“I can hear voices!”

“Shush Niall. Harry said not to be full on!”

“But it’s her!”

Four bodies all appeared suddenly, staring at me through the glass of a French doors which I think led into a living room. They all stood there, Liam, Niall, Louis and Zayn. All of them. They all smiled when they saw me. I felt so bizarre with them all there through the glass, grinning at me, not even bothering to open the door. I let a laugh burst out from me. Harry sighed from behind me, then he strode forward and opened the glass doors. Niall, who had been practically smooshing his face against the glass, fell to the floor with a thump.

“WELCOME!” he yelled up at me from his position at my feet.

The boys all proceeded forward, coming up to give me swift hugs. It was quite a warm welcome, not what I was expecting. I had actually prepared myself for an awkward, forced conversation between us all, not for all of them to come up and introduce themselves with a hug. I’m definitely not complaining though.

“So, Harry…This is her, hey? It’s not like I haven’t seen the pictures of what you guys have been up to but, to finally see her in real life…” Louis said, giving Harry a wink.

Harry let out a low grumble. “I said not to be too full on guys! Alice already said to me that she was nervous as hell about meeting her idols, her words not mine. And what do you guys do? You turn her into a speechless wreck. Have some consideration!” He looked at me worriedly. Oh shit, did I look as bad as he was making out. I did feel like I was going to faint but I didn’t care.

“N-no it’s okay. Let them be themselves. If I’m going to be spending time with you, I have to teach myself not to be quite as star struck every time I see one of them,” I said, more to myself than any of them. Oh my god. I don’t think I am going to faint anymore, I think I’m going to drop dead!

“Ah, see? She doesn’t care if we’re a raucous bunch of young, fiendishly good-looking lads. Here come in and have a seat,” said Louis. Harry sighed again as we all followed Louis into the living room. There was a three seater, black leather couch which was taken up quickly by Liam, Zayn and Niall and a recliner which Louis sat down on. This left me and Harry to sit on the only thing left…the loveseat. Louis winked at me as Harry grabbed hold of my hand and dragged me over to the seat. I blushed. Oh god this was embarrassing. I wouldn’t think of myself as having any feeling other than friendship with Harry at the moment, but the way the other boys were acting, it’s almost like we are actually a couple…

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