Chapter Nine

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Oh my god! So I got word that a person I know PERSONALLY has read the story and liked it so far (you know who you are ;D) so thank you to that person!

I'm starting to run out of pre-written chapters :O so yeah I'm going to be working away at the story like...something that works really hard.

So yeah hope you enjoy these next two chapters :)

I actually have no idea where this story is headed so yeah...

I hope it doesn't turn into trash...


P.S. over 100 readers! Yes I understand that that is pretty weak compared to all those other brilliant fan fics out there but still I am SO happy :)

Ellie :) x

Chapter Nine

“Are you alright babe?” Harry finally whispered to me, releasing his lips from my head. I nodded. I think if I talked right now, I would admit everything I just thought to myself and I couldn’t let that happen.

I shouldn’t have let this happen! I had fallen for Harry even though I knew he and I would never work out. It just wasn’t possible. Harry would never like me back and I knew I’m just going to end up broken. Dammit!

“Good,” he mumbled back. He kissed my forehead again but not in a long, unbroken one. This time he kept kissing my forehead continually. I sighed again. Shit, I’m giving myself away! Bad Alice! Suddenly he gave a small grunt and moved his lips ever so slightly down with each kiss. His lips lowered down the side of my head, along my cheek and down onto the crook of my neck. Oh my god! Why does he insist on doing this to my insides! If only he knew what was happening inside of me…

It was then that I let my newly discovered feelings get ahead of me and I let a small moan escape me. NO! Harry froze and pulled away. Why did I do that? How could I? SHIT SHIT SHIT!

“Sorry. I um…” I began to say but before I could I was silenced by Harry’s lips pressing against mine. My body went into melt down. What was he doing?! No he can’t do that…he…can’t…

What was I supposed to do? Pull away? I don’t think so! So I let him kiss me. His soft lips moved against mine. But I was frozen, like a block of ice. I couldn’t let him realize how I felt about him. I didn’t kiss him back.

Finally, realizing that my lips were not going to budge, Harry pulled away. He tried to hide it but I saw the hurt in his eyes.

“I, um, had better get going…” he said, running his hands through his hair. He got up off the bed.

“Harry I…” I began but he cut me off.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to push you into that. Sorry,” he repeated. “I guess I will see you tomorrow.” He looked sad.

“Yeah,” I mumbled.

“Be at our place by 11, ‘kay.”

I nodded. Harry left. I heard him calling out goodbyes to my mum and sister downstairs. Oh no. What did I do?


Authors Note: That was actually a part of the other chapter and I forgot to add it on :/ whoops but it's there now :)


“Alice! You’re here!” Louis said as he opened the front door to let me in. I had hardly slept at all last night. Why did I have to do that? Oh god, I was such a bitch! But no, I could not let Harry know that I had feelings for him. It would just ruin the relationship that we had created these past few days.

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