Chapter Twenty

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Story was: if I didn't get tickets for Perth then we would have Melbourne ones for back up but then I got tickets for Perth. my mum told me i would have to sell the melbourne ones if I got perth ones but when I started crying because I got the perth tickets he gave me a surprise and said I could go to both! SO YAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! If you are going to be there let me know!

So there's a story for you ;) I just got a bit excited and had to let everyone know ;)

So anyways here is the next chapter!

Hope you like it. It's a bit dramatic though. PREPARE YOURSELVES! ;)

Chapter Twenty

 Rose kept calling me and calling me over the next few days and I had also had a surprise call from a certain, Ned Dumphey. I had ignored them all. There’s no use having them force their ways back into my life while I’m having a perfectly good time with Harry and the boys. Actually that was a lie. I have felt like complete crap these past few days. Everyone was noticing and, aside from Harry, they left me alone. Not in a bad way. They just…gave me space when I obviously needed it.

“Alice? The boys and I are going shopping. Do you want to come?” Harry said softly. He had seemed quite sad lately. I think it’s because I was obviously quite down too. This made me kind of happy in a weird way because it showed just how much he loved me.

I shook my head in response to his question. I HAD had heaps of time to myself lately but I still felt like being by myself. God Alice…You’re on tour with bloody One Direction and you want alone time? What is this?

“Are you sure? You’ve been by yourself heaps lately. Maybe you should get out of the…bus…and get some fresh air.”

He sounded so sad. Alice get up. Go out with him. I felt my head shaking again. You stupid…lazy…snot rag. Get out of the stupid bus.

“How about we go for a walk later? Just you and me. Then we can have some time alone and I can get some fresh air,” I quickly concealed the fact that I don’t actually want to go outside at all. I didn’t even really know what was wrong with me. I was acting stupid…

“Alice have I done something?” he said suddenly, breaking the silence. I looked up and saw he had turned his head away, ashamed by his outburst apparently. A light blush swept across his cheeks.

I got up off the couch where I had been curled up all morning. I was wearing track pants and a hoodie and I must have looked like a right mess with my hair up in a messy bun and the loosest clothing I had on.

“Harry…of course you haven’t done anything. It’s not you, it’s me. I just…All my feelings about Ned are catching up to me and Rose keeps calling and everything is just a bit overwhelming at the moment, what with all the media attention I’m getting and people I don’t want to talk to bothering me and that whole thing about Zayn…”

I smack my hand to my mouth. How the hell could I have let that slip? Now he will know that I know and if he didn’t already have suspicions then he definitely would now. Shit, what have I done?

“What about Zayn?” he asked abruptly. Shit. Cover blown. He’s going to figure out that Zayn is the true reason why I’m such a mess and that Rose and Ned are just adding to it.

“Nothing it’s just…” Luckily before anything else could come out of my mouth and possibly destroy Harry and Zayn’s relationship, Louis came to the rescue and appeared in front of us.

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