Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

“Oh it’s you.” she mumbled.

“Oh, that’s a nice way to greet your best friend.” I said, faking a laugh which turned into a quavering…I don’t even know what it was, it was just a noise. I slapped myself inwardly. Stop being so nervous Alice… “I haven’t seen you in ages!”

Rose glared at me. “I know.” Her voice sounded like a growl.

“So are you going to let me in?” Oh my god, does she hate me? What have I done? Did kind of ditching her for a week hurt her this much? But…I ditched her for bloody One Direction, she has to be a little bit considerate, she would have done the same to me.

“No!” she snarled. I was taken aback by the viciousness in her voice. “You do NOT ditch your best friend for a week and then expect to be taken back with open arms. We were meant to have spent this holiday together!”

“But Rose…I was with Harry…and the other boys and Eleanor and Danielle…”

“YOU MET DANIELLE AND ELEANOR?!” she screamed at me.

“Well yeah. But Rose I was going to introduce you, I just got caught up with…everything. Rose please don’t be mad, I can take you to meet the boys tomorrow if you want… Please Rose.”

“SHUT UP! I DON’T WANT TO MEET THE STUPID IDIOTS!” Well that was believable…not. ”Just…go away Alice…” she sounded really sad now. “Go hang out with your new friends. You’ve obviously enjoyed yourself enough with them this week to forget about me. Leave me alone.”

The tears were starting to well up in my eyes. I couldn’t believe how much Rose was taking this to heart. Was she seriously this pissed off at me? We had been best friends for ages, why was this so bad. She had often ditched me at school in her attempts of being a part of that icky ‘popular’ group. Through thick and thin, I had always been there, even when she ditched me…but roles obviously couldn’t be switched in her eyes.

I sniffled, a tear rolling down my cheek. She made a noise that obviously said ‘Grow up!’

“Rose, don’t hate me. I still want you to be my friend…I still want to be YOUR friend. Why can’t we just put all of this behind us? I’ll even forget about the boys if I have to…”

“You’re going out with Harry?” she mumbled. I made the mistake of looking up in disbelief.

“Have you not seen all the stuff on the internet about us?” Paps had followed our every move in a weird stalkerish way. Kind of creepy really…

She glared at me again. “No I have been too busy to watch you via bloody Twitter. I do actually have a life without you and the internet you know.”

“Rose I didn’t mean that…Rose please I’m sorry!”

“GOODBYE ALICE!” she yelled, slamming the door on my face. I started to cry, freely now. I heard car doors open behind me and running footsteps. Soon Eleanor and Danielle were by my side, mumbling sympathetic words. I let them lead me over to the car, as I was blinded by my tears. Soon I was in the backseat, as Eleanor drove us back to the boys’ place.

I can’t believe Rose and I had had this much of a falling out. She never took a day by herself to heart. I guess a week is more than a day, but for One Direction - why couldn’t she see how hard it would be to say no to these boys? If roles had been reversed I’m sure I would have forgiven her…

Why can’t she understand?

Oh my god…would all the kids at school be like this when I went back in a week’s time? Surely not…They couldn’t all hate me just because I was dating Harry Styles could they?

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