Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

“Woah! What’s up? Alice? What’s the matter?” he asked as I buried my head into his chest, drenching his shirt in my tears. “Come on, come and sit down.” He led me into the lounge and we sat down on the couch.

Pull yourself together Alice! You don’t even know if it is Rose. She wouldn’t do that after a week of kinda, sorta ditching her for Harry and friends…Would she? No, no, Rose just isn’t that kind of person, she couldn’t do that. She just wouldn’t send that kind of stuff to anyone, especially not her best friend.

“Alice?” Zayn said, looking down at me with his big brown eyes. He really did have gorgeous eyes…Alice what the hell are you thinking. Get your act together!

I explained how I had been checking my Twitter and how I found those nasty tweets. I told him about the conversation I had had with Rose all those months ago. He looked thoughtful for a moment.

“Well, have you talked to her?” he asked. I shook my head. “So you don’t actually know whether it is her or not.” I shook my head again and he sighed.

“I haven’t spoken to Rose in a week. She may have taken it to heart or something and has developed some kind of hate for me or…” I broke off as the tears began to well up in my eyes again.

“I think you should talk to her then. She’s your best friend isn’t she? I would probably be a bit pissed off if my friend had ignored me for a week. You should give her a call and see whether it even is her.”

“Okay…” I whispered. Already nerves were building up. What would happen if it was her? What happens if it wasn’t her and I started to confront her about all the bad things she had said? Okay…I just have to be calm and mature about this…

“Alice…” Zayn whispered. I looked up into his eyes again and he was looking down at me with such an intensity I almost had to look away again. He started to slowly bring his head down, moving in on me. His eyes fluttered closed. What the hell was he doing?!

I sprang up from the couch. Zayn straightened up again from his slightly bent down position.

“You…you…WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?” I screeched at him. HE HAD BEEN ABOUT TO KISS ME! What was he thinking…

“Zayn, what in the name of all things that live? What were you thinking?”

“Alice…what do you mean, I wasn’t doing anything…” he replied, shakily. His eyes moved away from mine, flickering all around the room, looking everywhere but at me.

“I know what you were about to do Zayn! How could you? Think about how much it would hurt Harry!”

“Alice, I can explain…I didn’t mean to, it was just a spur of the moment thing. It didn’t mean anything…”

I pointed my finger at him, anger filling my voice.

“Don’t try anything like that again! Do you hear me!” I exclaimed. “Never ever, EVER do that again!”

“OKAY I GET IT! IT WAS AN ACCIDENT OKAY?” he yelled at me. I was slightly taken aback by his ferocity. “Shit, I didn’t mean to yell. Sorry. Look, come here. Let’s just put all of this behind us yeah? It didn’t even happen…’kay?”

I hesitated before moving into his open arms and hugging him.

“Sorry, I overreacted…It didn’t even happen.” I repeated his words. We stood there hugging for a while before I finally pulled away.

“I…I’m going to go call Rose now.”

“Okay…” he replied, looking down. We stood there awkwardly before he left the room and headed back outside to all the others.  I headed up the stairs and locked myself into Harry’s room. I found Rose in my contacts and pressed the call button.

It rang…and rang…and rang. She hadn’t answered. I waited a few minutes before trying again. It went straight to voice mail this time so I left a quick message.

‘Hi, it’s just me. We need to talk. I haven’t seen you for ages. I’m sad that you couldn’t pick up the phone. I might pop in later maybe. Bye.’

I sat down on the bed for a second, trying in vain to talk myself into believing that it was all just a coincidence that that Twitter account was there and she wasn’t answering my calls. There was obviously a good explanation for this. There must be…

I got up off the bed and went downstairs again. Everyone had moved from outside to the lounge and they were all there sitting on each other, having fun and looking like one big happy family. I couldn’t believe I was actually a part of it now. It was what I had dreamed of for nearly two years.

“I’m going to go visit Rose. I’ll catch you guys tomorrow or something,” I said. They all chorused goodbyes to me, but Harry got up and walked with me to the door.

“Hey, um, Zayn told us all about that thing with Rose and how you think she might have turned on you or something. Do you want me to come with you? I can if it would make you happier or less nervous or whatever. I-if she doesn’t like you anymore, and I don’t see why she wouldn’t by the way, well, I could maybe use my skills of Harryness to scare her off. You don’t need her sending you hate mail. It’s just stupid. So if you want me to come…”

“Harry it’s okay you don’t need to bother. I doubt it is even her.”

“But I feel like someone needs to go with y-“

“I’ll go with her,” Eleanor said from behind us. She smiled at me. “You do need some moral support with you Alice, just in case, and Harry is useless at stuff like that.”

“Hey!” Harry said, frowning.

Eleanor smirked. “So, me and Danielle will go. If we aren’t needed then we will just wait in the car. We can drop you home afterward too.”

“Thanks Eleanor. That would be perfect.” I said. Eleanor and Danielle were so nice…

“Danielle, get your ass out here, stop snogging Liam, you’re needed!” Eleanor yelled,

“Jeez, I’m coming. At least I don’t have to worry about my boyfriend being gay!” Danielle yelled from the other room.

Yep. Perfectly nice. Danielle came into the foyer, coat in hand, laughing.

“Aw, babe. Best mates for life!” she said, giving Eleanor a hug. “Come on Alice, let’s go meet Rose!” she said grabbing my hand as we ran out to her car, Eleanor hot at our heels.


“Are you sure you want us to wait here?” Eleanor asked as we pulled into Rose’s driveway. We had chatted and laughed for most of the trip but as we grew nearer the house, it grew more solemn.

“Yeah, I’ll like, beckon you over or something if I need you.” I said.

“Okay. Don’t worry Alice. We are probably all overreacting. It’s probably not even her account.”

“I know.” I gave them both an awkward hug. It was hard to hug them from the backseat of the car after all.

I got out and went up to the front door. I hesitated before ringing the doorbell.

Ding dong.

I heard footsteps and raised voices. The door opened up, the light from inside flooding the front porch. Rose’s face fell when she saw it was me.


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