Chapter Three

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Chapter Three


Someone spoke to me from behind. I slowly turned to see Harry, standing there grinning. He looked absolutely gorgeous today wearing a plain white t-shirt, black jeans and his white Converses. The weather had changed again and it was quite warm today, so I hadn’t bothered to bring a jacket to go over my loose, red, button-down singlet top and blue jeans, but when I saw him standing there, I felt a shiver go down my back.

“Hey.” I said back to him, returning his smile.

We were outside the same café where I had broken up with Ned.. The same one where Harry and I had met.

“I thought I would bring you here, you know, ‘cause it was a place we both know,” he said frowning slightly. “But it’s a bit boring. Why don’t I take you for a drive and we can go somewhere more interesting?”

“Oh, um, sure. I would love that, it’s just that my car is here so you would have to bring me back here afterwards so I could take it back home,” I said. Wow, that’s a bit awkward.

“Oh no, that’s okay, I can organize for one of the boys to come pick it up if you would like. Then I could take you straight home after and you wouldn’t have to worry about it.”

“Okay… but what about the keys?”

“Leave them in the ignition. I know for a fact that Niall is quite close by, without a car so he would be happy to come and pick it up for you. And he would be here really quickly”, he said smiling at me.

“Okay,” I say. Every time he grinned at me like that, a small tingle went through me. And every time that tingle went through me, I felt extreme pangs of guilt wash over me as I thought of Ned.

“The car’s this way,” Harry said tilting his head to the left. I quickly went over to the car and slipped the keys into the ignition. As I turned back around, Harry started to text someone. I’m guessing it was Niall with the whereabouts of my car. Hold on… texting Niall the whereabouts of my car. Niall is going to drive my car! Oh my god! Niall is going to be in my car and he is going to drive it to my house! I fangirled a bit internally.

“You ready to go?” said Harry as he looked up from his phone.

“Yep,” I said grinning broadly at him. He gave a soft chuckle before saying, “Okay, let’s go.” Then he started to walk down the street slowly in the direction of his car, before starting a casual conversation.

“So, you are alright with me taking you out, I’m guessing. I mean so fast after your split. I really am sorry about that. Anyway, I thought I would take you to a restaurant me and the boys frequently visit. It’s a few blocks away from here but it has really nice food. I’m sure you’ll like it,” he said smiling. “And we get the added bonus of sitting at a special table where no-one bother us.”

“Well that sounds great!” I said smiling right back at him. “So why are you having a day off? Where are the others?”

“Oh they’re off doing who knows what. We’re just having lots of day breaks at the moment because writing our songs and stuff for the next album is quite stressful.” He smiles at me again. “It will be nice to have someone I can talk to on my days off.”

Woah, wait a second. Does that mean he wants to see me more? Is Harry actually offering to talk to me more? My mind is going mental with happiness. I just couldn’t believe that this was happening. And to me of all people. It was almost like it was meant to be…

We walked in silence for a bit before we reached his car. “Well here we go.” He walked over to the passenger side and opened the door, waiting for me to get in. I grinned and slid into the leather seat. He closed the door behind me and then started walking around the front of the car to the driver’s side. I watched him as he just casually walked with a slight smile playing at the sides of his mouth. I couldn’t help but start to smile. This is so amazing.

He opened the door and got into the car. I quickly looked away. Oh god, I must have looked like some kind of creepy stalker, watching his every move. A slight blush went to my cheeks.

“So off we go then.” He starts the car and it started to roll forward smoothly. He didn’t talk and I started to feel a bit awkward so he must be feeling awkward too. I had to break the silence. I racked my brains for something that I could say, but came up empty, so what did I do? I started humming like a crazy person.

Harry chuckled from beside me. I blushed. Oh god, this was embarrassing. Why did I start to hum?

“One Thing. Good taste,” he says, giving me a small wink. Something inside me exploded with that wink. I think I must have died or something. I mean a wink cannot do that to a person. I let a wavering giggle escape me.

“Sorry,” I say. “I just thought it was a bit quiet and I started to…hum the first…song that came to me.” Oh my god I was losing myself in those little looks he kept shooting at me.

“There’s no need to apologise. I liked your humming. But if you thought it was to quiet then we can talk…”

“Um…okay.” What can we talk about, what can we talk about? Think of something, quick.

“Wait, hold on, don’t talk yet. We’re here.”

“Oh.” Wow, what a great thing to say…

I got out of the car and walked around to stand beside Harry. I heard him give a little groan.

“Keep your head down, okay?” he says lowering his head.

“Why?” I say slowly mimicking his actions and lowering my head.

“Paparazzi. On three we will have to run to that restaurant over there,” he said pointing to a restaurant about twenty metres away. I noticed that a large group of men and women in business clothes were there, all holding mobiles and microphones. There’s also a tall guy there with a camera. Wow, how come I had never noticed guys like this hanging around London before? It seemed as if they knew Harry was going to be in this part of London today and were just…waiting.

“Okay.” I say.


Suddenly I felt him take my hand and tug. He started to run and, as he had hold on my hand, I felt my feet follow after him. The paps suddenly caught sight of us and started to run towards us. Harry just kept dragging me along though. The men and women all started to shout stuff at him.

“Harry! Harry! Who’s this? Please Harry we just want to ask you some questions!”

“Harry! Would you mind answering whether…”

“Harry, who is this girl? Is this your new girlfriend? Harry we…”

By this stage we had gotten inside the restaurant. The paps obviously could not follow him inside or something because they backed off as soon as the door had closed behind us.

“Well…” said Harry giving a small sigh. “There. Your first battle with the paps.”

Wait. My first?

 Enjoy the gif on the side ;)


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