Chapter Six

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Okay so I got a comment saying that I should upload more (YAYYY!! THANK YOUU!!!! <3) so I'm going to upload a few more chapters :D

Hope you enjoy to that person and anyone else who happens to be reading!

Ellie :) x



Chapter Six


“I-I…Do-do I want…to meet the…boys?” I spluttered. “Um, let me think about that…YES! I would love to meet the boys!” I was trying incredibly hard not to break down. I thought I would be overcome by my inner fan when I met Harry for the first time but I had managed to quench it but now…well now he is offering to take me to meet the others?

“So you definitely want to meet them?” said Harry.

“Yes, I am absolutely certain,” I said nodding, trying very hard to keep my cool.

“Good. I’ll tell them tonight that you’re coming tomorrow, but right now, well I had better take you home.”

“Okay…” I said sadly. I didn’t want to go home…

We had reached the car, so I got in. I was quite sad that the day was over. Even though it had some upsetting bits, *cough* Ned *cough*, but every other part had been quite amazing. A small grin crept over my mouth as I remembered all the good parts though.

The ride home was nice, once we had managed to figure out where the hell we were of course. We chatted merrily about nothing in particular. When we arrived at my house (no joke, he didn’t even need direction, he remembered where it was!), he didn’t just wave goodbye from the car. He got out with me and gave me a big bear hug before whispering, “I’ll call you later, okay?”

I nodded, giving him a grin. He smiled and then got back into the car and drove away. As soon as the car was out of sight, I bolted inside and ran up to my room. My pillow was absolutely smothered with my face as I screamed into it. This day had been amazing! The only thing that eventually made me stop squealing was my iPhone. It made its little bleeping sound over and over and over again. It just kept going on and on, nonstop. I got up from the bed and grabbed the phone off my desk where I had dumped it.

The notification on it was @Elli3_Loves_1D (Authors Note: My Twitter - follow me! :D x) and 604 others follow you. 604 others! What, what, what, what? Why did all these people follow me? I also had a lot of mentions. It was all things like ‘The girl with Harry today is Alice McGreggor. All Directioners must follow her!’ followed by a link to the picture taken of me and Harry at the restaurant. Is it really possible that that one picture had led to me gaining that many followers in less than a day? I mean, wow, just wow.
I also had a text from Rose saying,

‘Okay, so I’ve seen that picture with you and Harry. WHAT HAPPENED? Call me! x’

I didn’t wait, I immediately dialed her number.

“Alice? Oh my god! Tell me what happened today!”

So I did. I told her about how we had had to face the paparazzi before we had even got into the restaurant, how Ned had been there, then how Harry had taken me for the ice-cream afterwards and the girl had recognized me. She listened intently the whole time, not interrupting me once. When I had stopped talking she completely flipped out.

“Oh my god! This is incredible. My best friend was caught holding hands with a certain Harry Styles. I swear you are to be famous within like two seconds. People already recognize you!” she screeched. ”Do you promise that I can meet him soon? Please please please!”

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