Chapter Eight

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I've got a few more reads (yay! :D) so I'm going to upload this chapter because I think it ends in a good way. Not the story! Just the chapter...

So yeah here's another chapter!


Ellie :) x

Chapter Eight

“Mum, I’m home and we’ve got a visitor,” I called out as I took my coat off at the front door, Harry mimicking my actions.

“Oh and who is it may I ask?” I heard Mum call back from the kitchen. I motioned for Harry to follow me as I led the way into the small kitchen where Mum was putting the tea into the oven. I cleared my throat.

Mum turned around from the oven to look at me. Then her eyes flickered over to Harry who was standing behind me slightly. Recognition flashed in Mum’s eyes. She knew who he was, having seen all the posters in my room many, many times before.

“Oh it’s you!” Mum knew that I had met him a few days ago and had been seeing him, but she obviously hadn’t thought she would be meeting him herself.

“Hello Mrs. McGreggor.” He said reaching his hand out to shake my mum’s hand.

“It’s Ms. actually but you can call me Fiona.” She replied grinning at him as she shook his hand. Just then

Becky waltzed into the room. The thirteen year old let out an ear-splitting shriek as she caught sight of Harry standing there.

“Holy shit!” she yelled.

“LANGUAGE!” Mum yelled back at her. Everyone stood there quietly for a second.

“Um Harry, this is my sister Becky. She is a bit of fan of you, taking after none other than moi. Becky, you’ll catch flies if you don’t close that gob of yours right now.” Oh god, why did I bring Harry into the house. Now he would have to put up with my sister bugging him.

“It’s very nice to meet you Becky,” he said bending down so he was the same height as her (she was a bit of a short ass). He only had time to open his arms before she launched herself onto him, trapping him in a massive bear hug. She squeaked continually letting out small ‘oh my god’s’ every now and then.

“Okay, Becky get off him now. Becky I said LET GO OF HIM,” I said as I grabbed hold of Becky from behind and yanked her off him. She finally let go and crept backwards, backing up against the wall of the kitchen, looking disbelieving. Then she shrieked again and ran out of the kitchen yelling “Oh my fucking god!” over and over again.

“LANGUAGE!” Mum yelled at her again. It went quiet again.

“So, what do you want to do now?” I said to Harry. “We could watch some television or go up to my room or what?”

Harry was quiet for a moment before saying, “How about we go up to your room. I want to see just how much of a fan you really are.” My heart fluttered in my chest.

“Okay,” I said, unable to stop the smile that was spreading across my face. Harry grinned back at me. What were these feeling that kept welling up inside of me every time he smiled at me? I couldn’t be…falling for him could I? No Alice, no. You should not do that, it would not end well…

“Lead the way,” he said, grabbing my hand. I shot a quick glance at Mum as I walked out of the kitchen, Harry in tow. She was grinning like a maniac and seeing me looking at her, she shot me a ‘Now don’t you be naughty’ look. Oh my god Mum.

I led Harry up the stairs and into my bedroom. As I opened the door I heard a sharp intake of breath escape him. My room was quite big with an ensuite. It had cream carpet, with black painted walls, but the walls could hardly be seen from underneath all the posters of One Direction I had on my wall. Harry chuckled from beside me. I also had a little section of my walk in robe that was completely dedicated to my 1D merchandise, but he didn’t need to know that.

“Wow! I didn’t know you were THIS big of a fan! Look at your walls. Wow…,” he exclaimed gazing around.

Oh god, this was actually kind of embarrassing.

“Well, now you know why I was so nervous about meeting the other boys this morning. I have been a fan since X-Factor.”

Harry chuckled and walked forward into the room. He sat down on the double bed that was positioned in the centre of the room and patted the spot beside him, motioning for me to sit down. I looked at him curiously as I sat down next to him. He flung his arm around me, pulling me into a tight hug. My heart was beating wildly, I was sure he could feel it against his chest and damn he did smell good. I had noticed that the few other times I had hugged him, but seriously, I hadn’t actually lingered this close to his skin before. I let out a sigh.

“Tough few days, hey?” he said, pulling me even closer. I was nearly sitting on his lap now and my body was pressed tightly against his. Oh shit, my heart was going mental and the shivers going up and down my back were uncontrollable.

“Yeah…” I said. I had to act like this wasn’t affecting me in any way. But it was affecting me. Being this close to Harry was affecting me in a whole lot of ways. All that had happened in the last few days was incredible, both the good and bad stuff and I realized that the whole time, my brain had been hiding something from me…

I felt something press against my forehead. Harry had bent his head forward and was kissing me. On the forehead. Shit, oh, shit!

I pulled away from him backing up so my back was pressed right up against the headboard of the bed, while Harry was still at the foot of it.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, panic in his voice, a concerned look planted firmly on his face.

“Nothing, it’s just… all that’s happened in these past few days is kind of hitting me now.” I lied. That was not the reason my heart was about to break free from my chest at all.

“Oh I know babe. It all can get a bit hard sometimes but this is only the beginning. It will get easier…” No Harry, don’t say that! Stop implying that we are going to be spending heaps of time together, whilst fans think we are practically dating. It will only get my hopes up!

I sniffled as he scooted up so he was sitting beside me again, against the headboard. His arm went around me again. No Alice! Don’t let yourself think it! But I couldn’t help it. His every tiny movement beside me and all the soothing words he was murmuring into my ear only made it worse. No Alice, you can’t…

Crap. Too late. Harry pulled me into another warm, tight hug, once again pressing his lips to my forehead. I couldn’t help it…

Every single thing Harry had done and said to me since I met him four days ago came back to me hitting me like a sack of bricks. When I was younger, before I met Ned, I used to have this habit of falling in love with someone faster than was good for me and I ended up broken hearted every time. I could not let this happen with Harry.

Harry hadn’t removed his lips from my forehead yet. He just keeps them there, holding me in a tight embrace, his breath blowing into my hair from his nose. It was enough to make me crack.


I had fallen for Harry Styles.


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