Chapter Twenty Two

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Anyways so you know how I got tickets to the 2013 Perth concert? WELL I GOT SOUNDCHECK ONES AS WELL FOR THE DAY AFTER! :D I don't know how I did it but I managed it and there you have it... I'm so excited! :D

Anyways, I'm not going to ramble on because you will want to know what happened to Alice, hey? ;)

I've finished my story and I'm going to upload all of the rest tonight!


Ellie :) xx

Chapter Twenty Two

*1 week later*

I tried to moves my hands up from the side of my body but the pain that shot all the way up the length of my back prevented me from doing so. I let out a moan of pain.

“NURSE!” Someone shouted.

I could hear lots of bustling and comforting whispers of, “It’s okay. You’re going to be fine. Hold on.” I didn’t recognize the voice.

Suddenly there was a whole bunch of loud footstep and I could sense a presence right in front of my face.

“Alice? Alice can you hear me?” It was a different voice this time.

I tried to open my eyes. Where was I? What was going on? Why couldn’t I open my eyes? I want Harry.


That’s whose voice it was! I let out another distressed moan and some random machines started to beep like crazy.

“What’s happening? Why are the monitors beeping? Is she dying?” That was Harry again. Sweet Harry, I love you so much…


My eyes finally dragged open and I was blinded by the bright lights and white walls surrounding me.

“Alice?” I spotted a certain curly haired boy pressed up against the wall opposite the bed I was strapped into.

“Get me out of this thing!” I’m panicking now. I hate being trapped. Even though I could see where I was, it still made me feel claustrophobic. Harry rushed over and placed a hand on my chest. I immediately calmed down and the monitors beside my bed slowed down.

“Wow. You have a magic touch young man,” a guy said from beside me. He was dressed in a white coat and I recognized him as a doctor of some sort. No wonder. I was hit by…what was I hit by?

“Harry what happened?” I asked, managing to move my hand and grab a hold of his which was resting on my thigh.

“You mean you don’t remember?” he asked, shocked.

“No. I do remember. In fact I remember everything. I remember Ned pushing me, I remember you chasing after me, I remember Zayn kissing me, I remember our…break up…” I felt tears well up in my eyes because I could remember EVERYTHING!

“Alice. I still love you. Telling you to get out was a mistake. Zayn told me everything after you walked out and I came chasing after you straight afterwards. Alice please…” he broke off, his voice cracking. “Please forgive me? I know it will be hard but I-“

“Kiss me goddammit!” I exclaimed. I didn’t want to hear his apologies. Saying that he loved me still was enough for me because I loved him too. We were perfect and I’m not the one to hold grudges, especially not against Harry. He looked shocked at my exclamation, but then grinned and leant down, pressing his lips gently onto mine. I would have deepened the kiss if it hadn’t been for the stupid bands holding me down against the bed.

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