Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

By the time Harry had stopped the car again I had absolutely no idea where we were. All the places that I recognized had been left behind.

“Where are we?” I asked.

“I not really sure… all I know is that we are far enough away from everything to relax a bit,” he replied. I didn’t really know what to say. We hadn’t spoken the entire car trip and it had been over half an hour of non-stop driving. For the first half of the trip both Harry and I had been fuming with rage, but I think we had both calmed down a bit now.

“Do you want to find a place to get something to eat?” he asked. He looked a bit uncomfortable, like he was guilty. He shouldn’t be guilty. Standing up for me like that had just been incredible. I was so grateful for him having done that for me. Really.

“Sure,” I said. I smiled at him and he gave me a weak smile in return. He suddenly reached out and grabbed my hand while starting to walk down the sidewalk. I followed along beside him.

“Are you…are you okay with what…what I said back there. I mean it must have been quite horrible for you, you know, me just standing there growling at him like that. But Ned shouldn’t have said those things to you, it was wrong of him to do so. I’m sorry to say this but I think he deserved way more than two slaps for what he said to you,” he said. I gave his hand a small squeeze.

“Of course I’m okay with what you said! I thought it was terrific and to be honest, if you hadn’t been there I probably would have sat there and taken it. Every single blow, I just would have taken it. I’m just not the kind of person that retaliates to things like that. And it was really only him being mean to you that made me lash out and slap him so hard. I hadn’t been angry about our break-up until then, I had just been sad. But if me talking to a guy brings out that kind of character in Ned, well I’m glad he broke up with me. I don’t want to ever go out with someone like that. I’m surprised I never saw the meanness in him until now. Looking back, I can see all the times he was just a jealous little shit but I simply overlooked it because I loved him. I suppose that one conversation I had with Ben was just too much for him to handle or something and he lashed out. I can see the bad side of Ned now though and I’m not even sorry about our break-up now. Not one bit…” Tears start to form in my eyes. I know I said I wasn’t sad about our break-up anymore and I’m wasn’t, it was just that today had just been a bit overwhelming and it was hitting me now like a huge bag of bricks.

“Shit, don’t cry. Shit, shit, shit. I can’t believe this is happening to such a nice person as you,” said Harry. “I mean, honestly. All you have been is nice to him over these past years and then he turns on you like this. It’s partly my fault though. He probably wouldn’t have been so angry today if I hadn’t been with you…”

“DON”T YOU DARE BLAME YOURSELF!” I yelled. He looked a bit shocked by my outburst. “Shit I didn’t mean to shout at you.” I mumbled.

“It’s okay.” He pulled me closer and wrapped me in his arms. Oh my god. I’m hugging him. Really and truly hugging him. And now I’m fangirling inside my head straight after a quite a moving situation. “How about we go get something to eat.”

I nodded. This had been a bit of a full on day. I wiped the tears away from under my eyes. Harry took my hand again and started to lead me down the street again.

“What do you feel like? A proper meal at a fancy restaurant, a sandwich at a café? Where do you want to go? Pick anywhere.” he said to me.

“I think…I feel like…” I paused trying to think of the perfect thing. “Ice-cream!”

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