Chapter Eleven

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Okay so I have decided how I want my story to end (don't worry it will be a happy ending ;) ) and now all I need to do is put my thoughts into words.

So I only have like another six more pre-written chapters and I think I might upload them all soon. Then I will have to work my butt off to finish the story, uploading in record time.

I'm predicting around about 25-30 chapters in this story and yes I know it's a lot, but I just have so many ideas! It's kind of annoying because ideas for OTHER fanfics are also making themselves at home in my brain so if you are actually paying attention to what I write then be expecting another stroy not long after this one is finished :D

I'm pretty excited for what's going to happen in the rest of the story and I hope you are too! It's not too boring is it? But for now here's this chapter.

Hope you enjoy ;)

Ellie :) x

Chapter Eleven

There was a silence. Oh…my…god… Did that actually just happen, or have I gone mental?

“YAY!” Harry yelled, making me jump. He grabbed me around the waist and spun me around. I was too shocked about everything to say anything. Was I going out with Harry Styles? No, no, that couldn’t be possible. It just couldn’t happen…but it was happening.

I giggled as he put me down again. He kissed me then, moving his lips softly against mine. At first I thought ‘Oh no, I can’t let him know how I feel’ but then I realized that of course I could. I was his girlfriend now!

Why was I holding back?

I kissed him back, putting my arms around the back of his neck. He pulled my body forward so we were pressed together. He stopped kissing my lips then and moved down so he was kissing my neck, like he did last night. My god! Was it only last night that that had happened? It seemed like ages ago! I sighed.

“We had better go home…” Harry mumbled against my neck. I nodded.

“Okay.” I whispered. So we got into the car and drove back to his house, holding hands the entire time.


“We’re back!” Harry called opening the front door.

“Finally! That was the longest drive ever!” Liam said, coming out of the lounge. “We thought you were dead or something!”

“Oh, we went for a bit of shopping,” Harry said. He had his arm around my waist as he led me into the lounge. Liam followed behind us.

“Then where’s the stuff you bought?” he asked suspiciously.

“We…um… got a bit held up. By a whole bunch of screaming fans,” I said as I sat down beside Harry on the loveseat, snuggling up against him. He lifted my legs up so they we laid across his and so he was holding me like a baby almost.

“You WHAT!” Liam yelled, causing both Harry and I to jump. All the boys had now come to the lounge, having heard us return.

“Woah Liam. Calm your farm!” Zayn said. “What happened?”

“Well we were actually shopping…,” I said, looking pointedly at Liam. “But then we decided to have a coffee and we got spotted by a group of girls. We ran away from them but they chased us all the way through the mall. The group got bigger and bigger, but then we managed to hide in a shop and we lost them.”

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