Chapter Seventeen

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Okay so there was a boit of a wait for this chapter because I wanted to get 20 votes before I uploaded again. And guess what? I got those 20 votes! YAYYYYYY! *happy dance*

Anyway, I hope you didn't lose interest during the wait :/ but I have actually been struggling to get enough time to finish writing these days becase I have been so busy with school and stuff :(


So I was just writing a bit more of my story just then and I have to say, I'm not quite up to that particular bit yet but I am about to go into overdrive on intenseness (<<cool word hey? ;) )

In one comment I recieved, I got a suggestion of what someone wanted to have included in the story. This is great and I would love more comments like that, maybe not for this story but for my next story that I'm going to begin writing shortly. To that person thanks for the idea and I give you a hint; one of those ideas may be coming up in the story! I'm not telling which one though because that might give away my idea for the rest of the story!

So I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Some bits are kind of random but I just wanted to add a lttle bit of fun o the story so there isn't too much drama all clumped together because those kind of stories that end in like 5 chapters because everything happens all at once can be overwhelming.

So yeah! Sorry for the wait. Keep reading though! Thanks you to all you readers! ;)

Love you all!

Ellie :) xx

Chapter Seventeen

“Ow Niall, that was my foot!”

“AH! That’s the fourth time you have bumped into me, Liam!”

“Shit Lou, you just dropped that on my HEAD!”

Many shouts echoed throughout the bus, as the boys all got used to being in the small space again. I didn’t even try to move from my comfortable position at the back of the bus, sitting on the big couch all snuggled up with Harry. We weren’t really doing anything apart from cuddling, listening to the shouts of all the other boys as Zayn managed to stumble and send everyone down in a domino style.

Harry and I laughed our heads off as they all picked themselves up off the floor, trying not to get squished in between the wall and another boy. There really wasn’t that much room to move about. When they all saw Harry and I laughing, they bolted over to us and launched themselves so they were lying on top of us. I became stuck between Harry’s side and Louis’ bum.

“AHHHHHH! I…can’t…breathe…” I called out in a strangled voice. God, they may look fit and skinny but really they weighed more than five elephants!

Harry and I finally managed to push all of them off the couch and onto the floor again.

“What are we going to do now guys?” I asked. They all looked at each other, sharing some kind of secret that I didn’t know about.

“Well…on the first night, because we don’t have a show tomorrow ‘cause it’s just a ‘settle in day…” Harry says, dragging his words.

“WE CELEBRATE THE START OF ANOTHER TOUR!” Louis shouted while running down the hall and opening the fridge. All the way from down here, I could make out the shapes of MANY different coloured glass bottles.

“You all get DRUNK?” I said in disbelief. As soon as I said it, I felt the need to take it back. I mean, they are immature, stupid, misbehaving, One Direction, under Louis’ influence, stupid, party animals, stupid, you get the picture. I really couldn’t blame them for wanting to get tipsy on their last night of…freedom?

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