Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

I nearly jumped up again, shocked by my butt coming into contact with his legs, but Harry held onto me so I couldn’t get up again.

“No, sit here.” he said. I took a deep breath and nodded. Well, if he insisted. It’s not like I didn’t want to sit there because, hell yeah I did, I just didn’t want to let my emotions show. Harry still didn’t know the full extent of my crush and I’m sure he would be put off by me if he did know. People are not meant to develop feelings for a person this quickly! Harry didn’t seem to mind me sitting on him though, so I wasn’t complaining.

“Do you not want to sit here?” he asked suddenly, voice full of concern.

“No it’s just…no I’m fine here,” I said, shifting my weight so I was more comfortable. He pulled my head down so my face was buried in the crook of his neck. A shiver went down my back. To think only a few days ago, I had been a normal girl with a normal life and now I was snuggling up against Harry with all of the other boys chatting merrily in front of us. I think the crack from yesterday had been mended.

Louis looked over at us. “Ew guys, get a room!” he said mockingly.

“Piss off,” Harry said, throwing a cushion at him and laughing. I giggled.

“Are we all happier now then?” Zayn asked, eyeing me and Harry. I nodded, but Harry shook his head. I straightened up sitting stiffly on his lap. What did he mean he wasn’t happier? He looked up at me. I shot a glance around at the other boys. They were sitting there in anticipation, wondering what the hell was about to happen. What was about to happen? What did Harry mean? My mind went into melt down. What had I done wrong now? Harry chuckled. And now he was laughing at me?

“That came out wrong.” he said. “I just have to do something before I can be fully happy but I want to do it in private. Alice, come for a drive with me?” He started to stand up, nearly tipping me off him. He grinned at me. I gave a weak smile in return. “Well come on then,” he said taking my hand and started to walking to the door.

We got out to the car and Harry started to drive.

“I think I want to take you shopping. You deserve a present after all you’ve been through these last few days,” he said.

“Oh, you don’t have to do that!” I said hastily. No, Harry really didn’t have to get me a present. Like, seriously. It would send me into a state of shock I wouldn’t be able to recover from, no joke.

“But I want to!” he said, pulling into the car park of a shopping mall. Harry parked the car in a bay and got out. I got out to and came around to stand beside him. He passed me a pair of Aviator sunglasses, pushing another pair onto his nose. “Put these on, you’ll need them.” Then he grabbed my hand and we entered the mall.


“Aww, Harry look at this hat! It would look so cute on you!” I said holding up a black beanie hat with eyes and cat ears on top. He chuckled and put the hat back on the shelf.

“We can’t buy a hat! People will make assumptions,” he mumbled. I laughed. Oh yeah! There had been a rumour going around that whenever the boys wore a beanie hat well, let’s just say that they had had some fun the night before (Authors Note: That was actually a rumour that was going around! I don't think that it's true but I just thought I would add it in for fun ;D). Whoops, how awkward.

“And anyway, we are here to buy you something, not me,” he said. “What about we get you a hat?”

“No Harry! I don’t want anything. Honestly, I don’t,” I protested. He stuck his bottom lip out in a sulk.

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