Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

“Wait, Harry. What do you mean my first? Will this happen again?”

“Well, if they got a picture of your face, it will be all over the tabloids. ‘Who is this mysterious girl’, that kind of thing. And I thought, if you enjoy yourself today, maybe we could do this again?”

“Oh, of course. I’m already enjoying myself…” I said without thinking. The smirk on his face made me realize that I had answered extremely quickly. “I mean, I would love to go out with you again…because you know, you’re really nice… and I would love to spend more time with you and…yeah.” Oh god what the hell am I saying. I must sound like I’ve taken crazy pills or something.

“Well that’s good. Let’s get a table then.” he said. He started to walk over to the counter. “Table for two please. In the VIP area,” he said to the guy behind the counter. The man nodded and started to lead us through the restaurant. VIP area? Since when have restaurants had VIP areas? I caught sight of a small roped off area at the other end of the restaurant. There was a guy standing there. I think he must be a security guard. As if this place has a security guard for a VIP area?

I suddenly heard a small squeal come from behind me. I turned to see two girls standing at the entrance of the restaurant talking to each other.

“See Sophie. I TOLD you it was him! But who is the girl with him? Oh no she’s looking at us. Oh wow, she’s so pretty,” said one of the girls.

“Oh my gosh, look Lisa! He’s holding her hand! Is it his girlfriend? How come I haven’t heard about her on Twitter yet? They must have just got together! Oh my god!” said the girl that I guessed was Lisa.

Their curiosity reminded me that Harry still had a grip on my hand. A small shiver went up my back.

“Sorry girls, you can’t come through here. VIP access only,” the body guard that we were suddenly standing beside said. The girls gave small groans.

“Oh please, can we go in a meet them?” said Lisa.

“Yeah, we would just say hello and leave,” said Sophie.

“Sorry girls but I’m not allowed to let you…HEY PUT THAT PHONE AWAY!”

I was suddenly blinded with a flash but my eyes cleared quickly enough to see the girls running out of the restaurant.

“Shit, sorry guys. I didn’t mean to let them take a photo,” the security guard said.

I realized that those girls had gotten a picture of me and Harry standing there holding hands. That picture was surely going to be all over the Internet by the time I got home.

“That’s okay,” said Harry. “Can we sit down now please?”

“Oh of course,” said the guard, removing a small section of the rope so we could get in.

“Thank you.”

Harry led me over to a small table right against the wall. He let go of my hand and pulled out a chair for me. I sat down.

“And there was your first battle with fans,” he said with a small chuckle.

A small, gaspy kind of laugh thing came out of my mouth. It sounded like a cross between a normal laugh and sigh of…relief?

“So that is why this restaurant has a roped off area hey? I didn’t think a restaurant had that kind of thing but if you and the boys frequent here a lot, well, I would be having a roped off area too.” I laughed again.

“Yeah…” he says slowly. He looks a bit upset.

“Are you alright?” I say. Oh god. What happens if he is worried about that picture of me and him getting out? What happens if he says that I can’t see him again? I know I kind of only just met him, but already I can’t bear the thought of not being able to see him again.

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