Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

 “Alice, could you please quickly go to the shops to buy some bread and milk? We’ve completely run out so there will be no breakfast tomorrow. I can’t go ‘cause I promised Becky I would help her with her science project”, my mum said through my bedroom door. I had stayed inside my room a LOT today and yesterday. I mean, I HAD just broken-up with my boyfriend and I was still recovering from my meeting with Harry… I knew she just wanted to me to get out of the house for a while.

“Sure mum!” I replied. “I’ll be out in minute.” I got off my bed where I had been checking my Twitter on my laptop. I checked my appearance in the mirror. I looked alright with my blonde hair pulled back into a messy ponytail and my silvery grey eyes seemed quite shiny. I looked down at my pale-blue knitted jumper and blue skinny jeans. Yes, I looked presentable. I quickly grabbed my black leather jacket in case I got cold. It had been getting quite cold recently after all.

I came out of my room and thumped down the stairs.

“Bye mum! Bye Becky!” I called to them grabbing my phone and Mum’s car keys. I knew she wouldn’t mind me taking her car. I went outside into the chilly air and wandered over to the red Toyota Yaris. It looked like it was going to rain but I couldn’t be bothered walking back inside for an umbrella. I got in to the car and started to drive to the closest supermarket.


“Oof!” I said as I ran into someone as I was looking for the white bread. “Oh I’m so sorry!”

“That’s quite alright…oh hello again!” said a familiar voice. A wide grin spread across my face.

“Oh, hello!” It was Harry! “Wow it seems you only see me when I’ve made a fool of myself”, I said, blushing a little.

“Apparently…” he replied, looking down.

“So…um, how are you?” I found myself saying.

“Fine…”he replied. “How about you, have you recovered yet?”

“Yeah, I’m doing okay.” I said smiling.

“Well… that’s good because um… I was wondering whether um… I could maybe get your number in case you know… you wanted to talk or be cheered up or… something.” he said. He ran his fingers through his hair, looking a bit embarrassed. Oh my god…

“Oh… sure!” I said. I silently punched my number into the phone he offered me and he did the same with mine.

“Well, um, thanks for that. Maybe we will talk later or something?” he said.

“Sure”, I said. Wow.

“Okay, cool”, he said, smiling at me. I smiled back as he turned to walk away.

“Bye…” I say quietly. I watched him as he walked down the aisle and turned the corner before sinking down onto the floor and clutching my knees. I looked through the contacts on my phone until I found his name - ‘Harry :)’ is what he had entered. I can’t believe that that had happened.

Recovering, I picked myself up off the ground and brushed myself off. Then, I quickly grabbed a loaf of white bread and headed over to the dairy section of the shop. I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket. I took it out and read,

It was nice to see you again today :) xx’

Oh my dear, sweet lord. I think I really have died and gone to heaven. Is it really possible that Harry is in my contacts? And is it possible that I am in his?! Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow.

When I had finally grabbed the milk, I practically ran to the checkout and paid before running out to the car and speeding home. I really had to tell Rose about this.


“Wait, what?” My best friend, Rose said to me from the screen on my computer. When I had gotten home I had dumped the bread and milk onto the kitchen bench before bolting up the stairs and skyping her. Then I had gushed out my meeting with him.

“Okay, so let me get this straight. You broke up with Ned”, she says before I give a quick nod. “Then the actual, real, live Harry Styles comes up to you and offers sympathy. Then you act like a complete retard and fall over…”

“I didn’t actually fall over…”

“And then he meets you again today in the supermarket. All in two days?”

I nod.

“Wow!” She exclaims with a disbelieving look on her face.

“I know!” I reply. Rose and I, well let’s just say she and I are pretty much the biggest One Direction fans that there are. We know all the little catch phrases and all the songs off by heart, our rooms had heaps of posters covering most of our walls, we had been to a concert last year and had voted for them all throughout their time on the X-Factor the year before but neither of us had actually seen any of the boys wandering the streets of London. Never.

“Oh my GOD!” she screamed. “That is just so fucking amazing! I just… Do you want to give me his number?”

I hesitated. I don’t think I could do that. I mean, she was my best friend and all, but I don’t think Harry had meant for me to pass his number around. I probably shouldn’t have even told Rose about my meeting with him. My mum, Becky and her were the only people I had told.

“Sorry Rose. I don’t think I can do that.”

Her face fell. Shit, I should have said that I would find out whether I could pass it on to her or something.

“Well I didn’t think you would be able to…” she said. Shit, I felt bad now. “But oh well! I will get to meet him if you somehow manage to become friends though right?” Well I suppose I could do that, introduce them, if Harry and I became friends. If Harry and I became friends. What an idea… Did I think that could happen? No, no, my luck couldn’t go that far. I doubt he will even contact me again…

“Right?” she repeated looking at me through the computer screen expectantly.

“Right.” I said grinning at her.

“Okay then,” she said grinning back. “I had better go, Mum’s calling.”


“Bye!” she said waving at me.

I waved back before the online call disconnects. I sighed lying back on my bed. I do wish Harry would contact me again. It would just be so amazing…

Suddenly my phone buzzed, scaring me out of the daze I had fallen into. I grabbed my phone from the bedside table and saw a new text message from… Harry! I opened it and read,

‘Hey, I was just wondering if we could maybe go out for lunch tomorrow. I have another day off so there wouldn’t be any interruptions. It’s okay if you can’t make it. I just felt I should see you again. Harry xx’

OH MY GOD! He wanted to take me out for lunch tomorrow! It was the first week of school holidays so I was free even though it was Monday tomorrow. Oh god, this is not happening, this cannot be happening! It is happening though! I flopped my face into the pillow and screamed my lungs out with happiness. I know what you’re thinking. ‘But you just broke up with Ned, you can’t be thinking about seeing another guy within two days! It’s just not a nice thing to do.’ But this is Harry, I think I can make an exception… Maybe I just won’t tell anyone, you know, just in case…

I replied to the text with a quick,

‘Sure :). Where should we meet?’




 Pic of 'Alice' on the side :)



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