Chapter Twelve

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Okay so I've reached 200 reads and I am sooooooooooooo happy! It was my goal to reach 150 by tomorrow but I went past that! YAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYY!

To celebrate I'm going to upload up to ch. 15 tonight. I've only written 17 chapters so far so I have to work really hard :O Don't worry I'll do it.

So I hope you enjoy these next few chapters!

To those 200 readers - Love You Lots! <3

Ellie :) xx

P.S. Nandos for dinner :D


Chapter Twelve


*Three days later*

“NO!” I shrieked as Liam grabbed me under my arms and Louis grabbed my legs. They lifted me up from the deckchair I had just been sitting on while talking to Harry.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” Harry yelled as the boys carried me over to the edge of the pool.

“You wouldn’t dare…I’ll turn into a block of ice!” I exclaimed, giving Louis my best puppy-dog eyes.

“Oh, I think I would dare. You and Harry looked like you were having too much fun.” Louis said, a glint in his eyes.

“NO!” Harry roared, as I was flung into the pool. The water was freezing! My lungs were constricted and I couldn’t breathe (well duh, I was underwater.) The cold was enveloping me and goose bumps were already covering my body. I re-surfaced.

Liam, Louis and Niall were all there, laughing theirs heads off, the little bastards. Zayn was also there, trying not to smile but failing miserably. Harry was leaning over the edge of the pool, his face inches from mine.

“Are you alright babe?” he said, his voice full of concern.

“I will be if you help me get out again. This water is freezing!” I said.

Eleanor and Danielle, who had arrived at the house two days ago and, may I add, I was already very good friends with, came running out of the house.

“What’s all this noise? Alice what were you doing in the pool?” Eleanor asked. Harry had finally managed to pull me out of the pool. I was shivering like mad.

“Your boyfriends…” I said, sending Louis and Liam both looks that could kill, “decided it would be funny to throw me in the pool.”

Danielle gasped. “Liam! You meanie!” she said, hitting him lightly on the arm. Everyone looked like they were about to burst out laughing. I was also trying to hold back a laugh. I failed and let out a huge snort. This set everyone off and gave me enough time to give everyone a nice, big, cold and wet hug.

“Aw, you didn’t need to do that!” Louis groaned, when I hugged him before making my way over to Zayn who was standing on the side lines. I gave him a bear hug. When I tried to pull away again, he wouldn’t let go. He just kept me squished up against him, unable to move.

“Zayn…you can let go now.” I said, trying to pull away again. This time he let me go. I looked around to see everyone looking at him strangely. He muttered something unintelligible and wandered back into the house. I was beginning to think he may need to take a trip to the mental hospital, he had been acting so strangely lately.

“Well, I’m going to take a shower, get a bit of warmth back in me. Can I borrow some clothes from someone?” I said, shivering slightly. My own clothes were drenched, obviously and I didn’t have a spare outfit with me.

“Yeah, you can borrow some of my clothes. There’s some stuff in my suitcase in Liam’s room,” Danielle offered.

“Thanks,” I said, heading indoors and up to Liam’s room.

I rummaged through Danielle’s clothes, pulling out some black sweat pants, a plain white t-shirt and a purple hoodie. I went into the bathroom, closing the door behind me and locking it. I was just about to start stripping off my wet clothes when I heard a voice through the door.

“Mind if I join you…” Harry said, a seductive tone in his voice. I wrenched the door open about to yell at him and say that yes, I did in fact mind when he ran into the room. I closed the door again.

“Harry, what are you doing?” I asked. He grinned cheekily.

“I was wondering whether I could join you,” he said, moving closer to me.

“J-join me in what?” I said, shakily.

“In the shower of course,” he said, winking and pushing me up against the cold, bathroom wall. Grabbing my wrists, he lifted my arms so they were raised above my head. I couldn’t help but notice that this movement caused my chest area to stick out slightly. Harry also noticed apparently because he moaned slightly before bringing his lips down to meet mine, pressing our bodies together. It started off relatively gentle but before long, it became more intense and turned into a full on snogging session. Harry’s hands began to run down my arms, which were still above my head, and let his hands trail down my sides before stopping at my hips. His hands started to play with the hem of my soaked shirt.

I broke away, allowing myself to breathe a bit. Harry grunted in disapproval.

“Not today, Harry, you must be patient…” I said, a smile playing at the corners of my mouth. He grinned at me. “Come on now. Outside. I need a shower or I’ll freeze.” I opened the door and pushed him out of the bathroom.

“Bye Harry,” I said, closing the door slowly, grinning at him. Before the door was fully closed, I noticed Harry couldn’t help but let his eyes rake over my body. I locked the door and started stripping off my cold, wet clothes, carefully laying out my bra and underwear out so they could hopefully dry in time for me to put them back on after my shower.

The water washed over my body, bringing warmth back to my skin. When I finally got out of the shower and got into the sweats and hoodie, I decided to check my Twitter for the first time in almost a week.

I was shocked. I now had 425,659 followers and about a million mentions. There were some really nice things that people had sent me like ‘You are gorgeous, no wonder Harry took a fancy to you!’ and then there were the people that were asking me to follow them repeatedly. There were some mean tweets too though. I followed a few of the people who had sent me nice tweets and replied to a few too. It was then that I came across one girl who kept sending me hate. Just this one girl who kept on and on sending me all of these terrible things. Some even brought a tear to my eye.

I knew I shouldn’t be looking at that stuff, it would only upset me. Her name caught my attention though…
I remember once having a conversation with Rose about how if there was ever a celebrity that we really hated we would make a Twitter account with the name @CantHelpButHateU. I was never keen on the idea as I don’t ever like to spam a celebrity with hate but she seemed keen. The name of this girl who was spamming me with hate was none other than @CantHelpButHateU.

I knew it could just be coincidence but I couldn’t help but make assumptions. I couldn’t help but think…

Rose must have turned on me.

I ran downstairs, tears rolling down my face, straight into the arms of a very surprised Zayn.


Oooohhh dirty chapter ;) And yeah...the twitter name was useless but I literally couldn't think of ANYTHING!











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