Chapter 15 - Stop Avoiding Me

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A/N; 600+ reads????!!!!!! Are you f-ing kidding me?! Aaaaaaaaaaah. Anyways, hope you guys don't mind me updating short chapters but more frequently. I just can't seem to write a long chapter.


Hayley's POV ||

I was walking to the cafe since Ryder asked to meet him there.

Something was drawing a crowd. I tried to get a better look..

It was Nathan and Ryder.

'NATHAN! What are you doing?! STOP!' I shouted.

He seemed so angry. He meaning Nathan..

'Ugh, what's gotten into you' I said as Ryder and I walked away.

'A-are you okay?' I asked as a took a better look at his face.

'Yeah, I'm fine Hayley. It was.. Nothing.'

'Nothing happened?! He was freaking close to ripping your head out!'

He just laughed.

'I'm fine Hayley' he said as he planted a kiss on me.

'Mmm' I smiled.


We were grabbing some lunch when I was still curious as to why Nathan was so mad.

'Hey, what happened back there anyway?' I asked.

'Back there.....?'

'Between you and Nathan.. Why was he so pissed?'

'Ah, you know Nathan..'

'Yeah, I know Nathan. And I know that he wouldn't get that mad unless it was something important. What is it?'

'Its nothing Hayley'

'Sure doesn't seem like nothing..'

' I'm sorry. I wish I knew what got him mad but I don't. If it's bothering you so much, then why not ask him... Mhmkay?' He took a bite of his burger.

Ryder was right. I mean, I should just ask him myself. No, we haven't talked since before the breakup.. But, I deserve the right to know.. Right? Ugh..


I was getting ready for bed when I had gotten a text..


'Hi' was all it said.


'So, how's life?'

'Er, normal, I suppose?'

'Why have you been avoiding me, Hayley'

'Wh-what? I haven't been avoiding you.'

'Yes you have. Whenever we cross paths in class or anywhere, the moment you see me, you distance yourself..'

'Well, what am I supposed to do?'

'Not avoid me...'

'Well I'm sorry for wanting to avoid the guy who broke up with me through a friend without a fucking reason'

'Stop swearing..'

'Are you kidding?! You just spotted the swearing?!'

'Stop, I don't like you swearing'

'Oh well, I'm sorry for not pleasing you. I'm sure Gwynne can satisfy you'

'She can piss off'


'I hate being avoided, especially by you'

'Your point being?'

'What's going on between you and Ryder? Just curious'

He didn't answer me. Why'd he suddenly mention Ryder..

' I'm pretty sure you know'

'Yeah, I know. We've broken up for like 2 weeks and you're with another guy?! Let alone one of my closest friends?'

'Oh stop the act, Nathan. You were with Gwynne when we were together. You were mad for her. Don't fucking talk to me about moving on too fast. Yeah, your closest friend. That's why you were close to ripping his head of. Yeah, makes sense.'

'Stop the swearing, Hayley. I hate that'

'Goodnight, Nathan. Send my regards to oh-so-perfect Gwynne kay?'

Oh you know, just the perfect way to end a night. I shouldn't have even responded to him in the first place. And what's him with me swearing. I can swear if I want to.


I was awoken by the sound of someone knocking vigorously on the door.

'Ughhhh. It's 7.30 in the morning. Get a damn-' just then I saw who it was... 'Gwynne?'

Once again, she welcomed herself in.

'Course, come in.' I rolled my eyes.

'Well don't you look lovely' she said sarcastically as she eyed me from top to bottom.

'I just woke up!'

'Yeah I can see that' she laughed.

'Ugh, what do you even want, Gwynne? You've already got Nathan. What now? Ryder?!'

'Oh no, been there, done that. Not doing it again'


'I don't have Nathan' she cut me off. 'He's not paying attention to me at all. Something's distracting him. And I thought maybe you could help figure out what or who's his distraction'

'Yeah okay and why me?!' I asked annoyingly.

'You guys have been best friends for what? Five million years?'

'Three years.' I corrected her.

'Yes, my point exactly'

'Cant I just give you my number and talk about it later?' I whined.

'Er, yeah. Here's my card.' She said as she showed herself out.

She's nineteen.. Why does she have a business card?

Gwynne Kacey Lachlan

For business enquires call; +07718 341559

Available from specifically 2pm-6pm

Do not call any time before or after that.

Kindly appreciated.

xoxo, Gwynne Kacey.

Of course, the classic hugs & kisses.

Typical white girl thing.

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