Chapter 19 - Magical Night

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Hayley's POV ||

We both got out of the limousine as Nathan walked me to my door.

'Nathan,' I said softly, but loud enough for him to hear.

'Yeah?' He asked.

'This was the best night of my life. Thank you so much' I said while smiling.

He held my hand. 'It was my honor, Brooks' he kissed my forehead. 'Now, you should get some sleep.. I'll call you in the morning'

He left.

I walked into my room. Took my heels off and literally just laid flat on my bed. This would be the part in the movie where the girl realizes that she's head over heels for a guy that doesn't really like her but is a perfect gentleman to her.

Except, I've liked him for a while now.

Oh Nathan, why do you have to be so charming? With those sparkling green eyes of yours and your cute smirk and your perfect laugh and can I just mention the hair?


The sound of my phone buzzing constantly, ruined my chances of sleeping in.

23 text messages?! All of them were from Ryder.

Oh right, Ryder.

Kinda forgot his existence after last night.

I still can't grasp it all. It was magical. It was like a fairytale. It was like a Taylor Swift love story, minus the heart break part of course.

Hayley. Stop! Return to earth and stop fantasizing over last night. You can do that later!

All of Ryder's texts included Nathan in some part of it.

Ugh, time to fix this.

'I'm sorry. Had a late night. Meet you at Starbucks in 15? x H' I had finally replied Ryder.

I got to the bathroom and removed all of my makeup from last night. After fantasizing for so long, I eventually slept off and had forgotten to remove my makeup. Yikes.

I had a quick shower and then got into some comfy yet simply clothes.


'Hey' I said as I saw Ryder.

He didn't look so happy.

'Hey' he said - I couldn't exactly tell the tone in his voice.

'I'm sorry' I said, breaking the silence between us.

'Sorry? You're sorry? Hayley! You were out with your ex boyfriend the whole night. What? Am I just a toy for you? You'll need me but then you'll find someone better and I'll just be forgotten?'

'He was just making me have fun'

'No, he's trying to get you away from me. What do you see in that dick anyway? He's so bipolar, he's basically just a fucking messed up teenager' he went on and on about Nathan.

'Stop! Shut the fuck up! You do not speak about Nathan like that. You fucking don't know him. Don't be so quick to fucking judge him. You're the one that's messed up. You fucking jealous dick!' I was gonna yell even more when something or someone held me back.

'Stop' I heard someone whisper in my ear.

It was Nathan.

I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck. I just enjoyed that moment of being in his arms and smelling that fantastic perfume scent.

'Oh, lookie who's here' Ryder said, obviously annoyed.

'Okay. I know you hate me. Trust me, I hate you way more than you fucking think but I didn't come to ask for trouble. Just fuck off from Hayley and stop being so fucking protective you clingy asshole!' Nathan pulled me out to his car.

'I'm so glad to see you' I said.

'Me too, Hayles' he said while bringing me into one of those tight hugs.

'I love you' he whispered.

Erm, I'm pretty sure that wasn't just my conscious.

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